TWTW / Week 1

Shazia Salim
2 min readOct 28, 2018


My first draft of “The week that was”.

21st October, 2018, Sunday 11:59 p.m. was the deadline for submitting links to my personal website and a quick introduction video for getting selected to WITx Learning Program.Shooting a video was fun. After uncounted number of takes, I got satisfied with the one video and uploaded it ! Finally sending the links to Rethink Bot.

Since our college tech fest — EXCEL is around the corner, it was a super hectic week for me. I was there in the team for a creating bot for the tech fest and the deadline was Wednesday. So I had to put up the event details to create actions . And I was also part of ambiance team. So I had to run around collecting materials and getting things done.

Friday morning on checking mail box, I found that I got selected for WITx learning program. And the first activity was lined up that day evening 7 p.m. . The first activity was based on the theme #discover. All WITx participants were asked to tweet 3 opportunities like scholarship, hackathons or internships which we found interesting or relevant to us and the time given was 15 minutes. It was an eye opener in many ways for me.So many opportunities around me and I am wasting my time,the realization that why didn’t I take effort to google and find opportunity for me. Why did I wait for it to knock at my door!

My first tweet!

Second activity was based on the theme #connect. I was supposed to summarize one of the Interview done by WIT participant. I took the Wikipedia page of Cohort 1 and scanned through it.Went through almost all the interviews and finally picked one done by Rasmi U. The link to the summary blog :

So that’s it for week 1, had an amazing start for the program. Eagerly awaiting the rest of the activities.

