TWTW / Week 3

Shazia Salim
2 min readNov 10, 2018


The final week of WITx Learning Program.

I haven’t realized how quickly days passed, I am bit sad that I wasn’t able to enjoy WITx Program fully cause each task for the program was done when I had a lot of things to get done at college. I still remember my second Live Video session with Arya, I just stepped into home and it was 7:01 p.m. attended straight away. But I guess if I hadn’t done that then maybe I won’t be having the assets that I have today.

4th November 11:59 p.m. was the deadline for my bot submission and that was the final day of my tech fest too. Somehow I had managed to submit TWTW of week 2 amidst of pro show (I know it sounds weird, but deadline was nearing), kept bot submission for me to reach home. On coming back home, I was dead tired thought I will take a short nap and go to bed. Then I see clock at 12:29 a.m. . I was so sad! Told in my mind “Aaah.. it’s all over” and slept again. But next day morning I was like anyway I made the bot let’s submit it even though its delayed and I make few more modifications of website and deploy bot for production.

Next day is Diwali. Finally I get a holiday after a long time. I was so elated. But again I had enemies for my one-day holiday. I had assignments, record submission and next week series. It has been 2 weeks that I have attended the class properly, so I had to figure out things from scratch. I don’t know why, I find my subjects unfamiliar. And then Arya comes on YouTube Live Session and gives us a surprise — WITx-GHCI Scholarship. Since many of peers in WITx was having exams this week. She told the link will be open only on Friday and the deadline is next day. How fortunate I am. I have exams next week and I had planned to study Saturday and Sunday. Anyway since this is a once in a lifetime opportunity I didn’t want to miss it either !

Wednesday I got my bot approved. I had developed a bot for International Women’s Hackathon conducted by HackerEarth and Schlumberger. I have made a website for the bot (Link to website and bot). This bot provides all the details regarding the competition.

Happiness !

Friday night link to WITx-GHCI Scholarship link got live. As soon as I end up drafting this, I have to complete the questions and try my luck in getting scholarship. And also prepare for Series. Tough and busy weeks ahead.

