Quantum Cryptography — II

SIAM Student's Chapter VIT Bhopal
4 min readJun 15, 2023


In our last article, we explored Quantum cryptography, its history and various technological developments that happened over the years in this field, and the advantages of Quantum Cryptography.

Now, we will cover the mechanism of Quantum cryptography. How it works, the stages involved in the process, and then different Quantum cryptography algorithms.

Mechanism of Quantum Cryptography

Quantum cryptography utilizes the inherent properties of quantum mechanics, such as superposition and entanglement, to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of transmitted information.

To understand how quantum cryptography works, let’s break down some of the key terms involved:

  • Quantum Mechanics: Quantum mechanics is a branch of physics that describes the behavior of matter and energy at the minute scales. It introduces the concept of quantum states, which can be in a superposition of multiple states until observed or measured.
  • Superposition: In quantum mechanics, superposition refers to the ability of quantum systems to exist in multiple states simultaneously. For example, a quantum particle can be in a superposition of being both a particle and a wave until it is measured.
  • Entanglement: Entanglement is a unique property in quantum mechanics where two or more particles become correlated in such a way that their states are intertwined. Changes to one entangled particle will instantaneously affect the others, regardless of their spatial separation.

Now, let’s explore the working of quantum cryptography with a simple example of two very famous personalities, Alice and Bob :

Alice and Bob want to communicate securely with each other, and they decide to use a very intriguing method they heard a lot about Quantum Cryptography. Here’s how the process unfolds:

Key Generation:

  1. Alice, our great friend, generates a stream of individual photons, known as light particles, in a random sequence.
  2. For each photon, Alice randomly chooses one of two quantum states, such as vertical polarization (|↕⟩) or horizontal polarization (|↔⟩). The choice is the “bit value” of the key she wants to generate.
  3. Alice sends the photons to Bob through a quantum channel.

Measurement and Comparison:

  1. Upon receiving the photons, Bob, a great personality, also randomly chooses a measurement basis for each photon, such as vertical/horizontal or diagonal/anti-diagonal.
  2. Bob measures the polarization of each photon according to his chosen basis and obtains his measurement results.

Communication and Error Checking:

  1. Alice and Bob publicly compare a subset of their measurement choices and disclose the corresponding basis information but not the actual values.
  2. They determine the instances where their measurement bases align and use those instances to establish a shared secret key.

Key Distillation:

  1. Alice and Bob enhance their shared key’s security against potential eavesdroppers by conducting supplementary error correction and privacy amplification procedures.
  2. These protocols involve comparing a more significant subset of their measurement results, detecting any discrepancies, and applying mathematical algorithms to extract an error-free, secure key.

Secure Communication:

  1. With the shared secret key established, Alice and Bob can use it to encrypt and decrypt their messages using symmetric encryption algorithms.
  2. They can now communicate over a public channel, transmitting the encrypted message using classical methods.

The security of quantum cryptography lies in the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics. Any attempt to intercept or measure the photons during transmission would disturb their quantum states, introducing errors that Alice and Bob can detect during the error-checking phase. This property, known as the “no-cloning theorem,” ensures that any eavesdropping attempts will leave traces, alerting the communicating parties to potential breaches.

Different Quantum Cryptography Protocols

Here are different quantum cryptography protocols, like the one we discussed above, known as Quantum Key Distribution (QKD). They leverage various principles of quantum mechanics to provide secure communication between parties. Let’s look at them one by one :

  1. Quantum Secure Direct Communication (QSDC): This protocol enables two parties to directly exchange secret messages without creating a shared cryptographic key. It uses quantum entanglement and teleportation techniques to provide secure communication.
  2. Quantum Coin Flipping: This protocol allows two parties to unbiasedly determine the outcome of a coin flip over an insecure channel. It uses principles of quantum mechanics to ensure that no party can bias the result in their favor.
  3. Quantum Oblivious Transfer (QOT): Quantum oblivious transfer allows one party, known as the sender, to securely transfer one out of multiple secret messages to another party, known as the receiver. The receiver can choose which message they receive, while the sender remains oblivious to the receiver’s choice.
  4. Quantum Authentication: Quantum authentication protocols use quantum properties to authenticate the sender’s identity. These protocols aim to prevent impersonation and ensure that the information received comes from the expected source. Quantum authentication schemes often rely on the transmission of quantum states that are unique to each user.


I hope this article makes you familiar with the intriguing world of Quantum cryptography and how development in this field can change the way we communicate and share information.

Written by,

Shauryaditya Yadav of SIAM Student's Chapter VIT Bhopal

