Comparing WebAssembly Runtimes: Wasmer vs. Wasmtime vs. Wasmedge — Unveiling the Power of Wasm

Ashish Singh
4 min readMay 28, 2023


Unraveling the Similarities and Differences Among Three Prominent WebAssembly Runtimes: A Comprehensive Comparison of Wasmer, Wasmtime, and Wasmedge

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WebAssembly (Wasm) has revolutionized the way we build and execute code on the web. With its ability to run efficiently across different platforms and programming languages, WebAssembly has gained immense popularity among developers. To harness the full potential of Wasm, developers often rely on runtime engines like Wasmer, Wasmtime, and Wasmedge. In this interactive blog, we will delve into the similarities and differences between these three powerful WebAssembly runtimes.

  1. What is Wasmer?
    Wasmer is a standalone WebAssembly runtime that provides a universal runtime environment for executing Wasm modules. It allows you to run Wasm code anywhere, from servers to edge devices, with a focus on performance and portability. Wasmer supports multiple programming languages and provides a rich set of APIs for embedding into existing applications.
  2. What is Wasmtime?
    Wasmtime is an open-source runtime that specializes in executing WebAssembly modules in a secure and efficient manner. It offers a just-in-time (JIT) compilation strategy, which optimizes the execution speed by compiling the Wasm code at runtime. Wasmtime is written in Rust and provides bindings for various programming languages.
  3. What is Wasmedge?
    Wasmedge is another open-source runtime engine designed specifically for WebAssembly. It focuses on providing a high-performance and extensible environment for executing Wasm modules. Wasmedge boasts a modular architecture that allows developers to customize and extend the runtime according to their specific needs.

Now, let’s compare these runtimes based on various factors:

a. Performance:

  • Wasmer: Wasmer aims for fast startup times and low runtime overhead, making it suitable for resource-constrained devices. It achieves this through optimizations like ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation and just-in-time (JIT) compilation.
  • Wasmtime: Wasmtime’s JIT compilation strategy optimizes execution speed by dynamically compiling the Wasm code at runtime. It leverages the Cranelift and LLVM backends for efficient code generation.
  • Wasmedge: Wasmedge also focuses on performance and employs techniques like just-in-time (JIT) compilation, ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation, and runtime optimization to achieve high execution speed.

b. Language Support:

  • Wasmer: Wasmer provides language-specific APIs and SDKs for multiple programming languages, including Rust, C/C++, Python, and JavaScript, making it easier to integrate with existing codebases.
  • Wasmtime: Wasmtime supports a range of programming languages, including Rust, C/C++, and WebAssembly itself. It offers language bindings to facilitate seamless integration with various development ecosystems.
  • Wasmedge: Wasmedge supports multiple programming languages, such as C/C++, Rust, Python, and Go, enabling developers to execute Wasm modules from their preferred language.

c. Embeddability and Extensibility:

  • Wasmer: Wasmer offers a flexible API that allows developers to embed the runtime into their applications with ease. It also provides a plugin system, enabling the addition of custom functionality and extensions.
  • Wasmtime: Wasmtime provides APIs for embedding into applications, allowing developers to execute Wasm code directly. It offers integration with host functions, allowing Wasm modules to interact with the host environment seamlessly.
  • Wasmedge: Wasmedge’s modular architecture enables developers to customize and extend the runtime by adding their own features and functionality. It provides a plugin system that allows the addition of custom components.

d. Ecosystem and Community Support:

  • Wasmer: Wasmer has gained significant traction in the WebAssembly community and has an active community of developers contributing to its growth. It provides comprehensive documentation and tutorials to aid developers in using the runtime effectively.
  • Wasmtime: Wasmtime is backed by the Bytecode Alliance, a collaborative effort of industry leaders, including Mozilla, Fastly, Intel, and others. It benefits from a strong ecosystem and has extensive community support.
  • Wasmedge: Wasmedge has been gaining popularity as a high-performance runtime and has an active community of contributors. It provides documentation, examples, and support channels to help developers get started.

Conclusion: In this interactive blog, we explored three powerful WebAssembly runtimes: Wasmer, Wasmtime, and Wasmedge. Each runtime offers unique features and focuses on different aspects of Wasm execution. While Wasmer emphasizes portability and performance, Wasmtime focuses on security and efficiency, and Wasmedge provides extensibility and customization options. Depending on your specific requirements, you can choose the runtime that best suits your needs. Ultimately, these runtimes contribute significantly to the growth and adoption of WebAssembly, enabling developers to unlock the full potential of this versatile technology.

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