1 min readJun 10, 2020

Hello, there I’m sparkling Siatta or Siatta. I’m a journalist and aesthetician. I write poetry on my free time. I’m very passionate about making a change in this world.

I was born in Liberia Africa in a small county called Bomi County. A few miles away from Monrovia, which is the capital of Liberia. During this time we were going through our second civil war. My grandmother brought me to an orphanage where then I was put up for adoption. In 2004 I was brought to America.

Throughout my childhood, I’ve had some ups and downs but I’ve made it. I am very grateful to be here today. I’ve decided to give you guys my personal journal of art and culture through the growing society we call earth. From big stories to small ones.

Everyone has a voice and everyone has a story that yet has not been heard. We are all growing towards the sun’s sparkling rays. Each ray represents the ones who finally touched the sun and told their stories to sparkle and be a voice in this world.

Grateful for : God, my family, friends