Did you check your life score?

Siddhartha Taya
2 min readMar 4, 2024


Self Evaluation is the key to success…!!

As a great saying goes, we can only improve what we measure

- At a certain age, we stop getting right feedfack
- We don’t even like getting an honest feedback
- We love being praised all the time from everyone
- When we were kids we hated being scolded
- So once we attain freedom at age 18–25, we hate self evaluation too

But we must be cautioned because:
- After a certain age, parents stop saying us anything
- Neither do friends dare say us if we are going on a wrong path
- Often we don’t listen to friends too because we become stubborn
- We are gripped in endless personal and professional problems
- We face Financial struggle and stress
- Relationship problems and we have nowhere to go

Then what should we do?
- Having a spiritual guru is a must
- Having a professional and personal mentor
- Going to someone senior who is close and asking for feedback
- There should be someone with whom you can share everything
- And that person shows you right path

I am sharing a google form in comments, Self Evaluate, measure your score out of 100 and DM me.

Life Score Self Evaluation Form: https://forms.gle/rrCM2DEYYBgxF7hZ9

P.S.: Self Evaluation is super tough but once you start measuring à Improve à Get results

You will be Unstoppable.



Siddhartha Taya

💫Unstoppable Mindset Coach | 🚀 Founder: Supersonic Success Academy | 🥋 Black Belt | 🧭 Mountaineer | 🎙️Speaker | ✍️ Author