What if this is your last day?

Siddhartha Taya
1 min readFeb 4, 2024


Will you live the same way as you are going to?

Pause….reflect for few minutes today….

I have seen few close people leave their loved ones behind in past few months.


- Repercussions of Covid

- Heart Attack

- Brain Hemorrhage

- Unknown Diseases

All were around age 50

- Few of them had young kids

- Few of them were the best people

- They won many hearts because of their humbleness and kind nature

What I can tell you is:

- Life is short, don’t take it for granted.

- Be grateful for this day and the life we have got.

- Be kind to people you meet today, it might be last day of your life or their lives

- Help people, make someone smile today. (Don’t live your day with negative emotions even towards people you don’t like, bless them)

- Hug your family and friends, your parents, and your kids every single day.

- Keep your health on top priority, your health is your greatest asset, invest in it.

The young generation of today is at higher risk

- Dump Junk Food

- Walk/ Run/ Workout Daily

- Meditate Daily

- Drink water

Stay healthy and make time for your family…!!

Million blessings and in memory of all the wonderful people I had chance to meet, who are no longer present.

P.S.: No picture today



Siddhartha Taya

💫Unstoppable Mindset Coach | 🚀 Founder: Supersonic Success Academy | 🥋 Black Belt | 🧭 Mountaineer | 🎙️Speaker | ✍️ Author