How PENG coin will surge 8–12x these coming weeks

8 min readJul 8, 2018


Hello, 2018! So, bear trend it is then eh!?

I’m sure by now, most of the crypto bulls who have been convincing themselves for months a bull market is just around the corner are finally starting to give in and admit, this could be a long, drawn-out bear trend.

Despite the massive disappointment the year 2018 has proven to be crypto wise, there are still a few ways to make some easy profits.

In this article I’m going to let you in on the process I’ve been using these last 3 months to make over 100x gains, and how I’m currently at my ATH (all-time high), despite the bear trend while most traders who have been in the game longer than 2 years are nowhere near it.

First off, if you have not noticed by now, coins on Binance and other large exchanges will potentially make gains from 10%-120%, but rest assured, they will crash very soon afterwards. NOTHING on big exchanges is holding its price. This is a bear market after all.

It was after realising this that I decided to move all my funds off Binance and start playing low caps on Cryptopia. And apart from the crypto rush last year December, I have never made more profit in such a short time span in my entire crypto career.

So whats the game here? It’s simple really.

Look for a low market cap coin, that has a lot of upcoming events that will push its price, and is not incredibly risky (aka, PCN/DAPPS). For me recently this has been coin rebrands. Developers who take an old dead coin, and revamp it into a new direction, a new concept, and a new price range somewhat closer to that moon we are all desperately grasping for.

Developments tend to push price. Things like a new website, a new wallet, a coin swap, partnerships, big announcements, roadmaps, and so on. This is why coin revamps tend to be so profitable. You take an old dead S#!t-coin, with a tragic attempt of a website, 10 dollars worth of daily volume, and no active development in the past 2 years. Now get a large mixing bowl and a wooden spoon. Throw in a new development team, mix for about 1 week, and slowly but surely, your mixture is going to start producing roadmaps, new websites, wallets, upgrades, giveaways, coin swaps to move to a better chain and so on.

Basically, all the things that push price. And while on a multi-million dollar high cap, like any of the coins on Binance, these events tend to result in some nice gains, on a low cap worth less than 1 million USD, this tends to result in far greater price movement and incredible December-like gains.

So let’s get to PENG, and why this coin is on my radar.

PENG reminds me of so many of the recent low caps on Cryptopia that have made 5–50x in a short space of time. Except it has a slight edge too. An edge that gives me the highest of confidence this is a sure bet with very low risk.

PENG, is a coin revamp, of an old abandoned project. This is the latest coin revamp that has been going on. Currently, the only developments seen since the new development team has taken it over, is a new placeholder website. So its fresh off the block at a low price, but the new devs have put in about a month of work so far.

All the price moving events are just around the corner.

The direction of this new project is to be used for charities and to breed a community somewhat like the Dogecoin community. The charity idea is novel and I can see this working incredibly well. While some coins battle to get adopted (even NEO) in the highly competitive blockchain industry, ask yourself, will a charity token really face adoption problems? In other words, if you are a charity, would you reject donations of any size, shape or form? No, of course not. You’re a charity. Much like a meth-addicted hooker, you will take it where you can get it.

PENG coin has announced it will also be dealing with the large amounts of dead coins that always go hand in hand with an old abandoned project.

The coin has been dead so long, previous owners have given up on their stacks appreciating, lost their passwords, mistakenly deleted their wallets etc, to the tune of about 25% of the current supply is expected to be lost. The idea is to do a coin swap in a few weeks so only people who claim, get PENG coin on the new chain, thereby reducing the coin supply and therefore reducing market cap greatly. Consider it a coin burn. We all know how profitable those are.

A new website is currently being developed and the team assures it is just around the corner, Coinmarketcap still needs to list the coin (it’s not even listed on Coinmarketcap… let that sink in, it has zero exposure currently) and now for the best part which I would like to discuss in depth, it is 35 lits (Litoshis).


We all know what a satoshi is right, the lowest value of Bitcoin. Well, a Litoshi is the lowest value of Litecoin.

When the price of a token such as PENG is less than 1 satoshi, it is traded on the Dogecoin or Litecoin pairs on Cryptopia. Peng coin is currently 35 Litoshi.

Bear with me here, because this is awesome.

Currently, 79 Litoshi = 1 Satoshi

PENG coin is, therefore, currently at the price of 35 lits, equal to half a Satoshi. Ok great… So what? Well, If your anything like me, you don’t even look at the garbage that is traded on Cryptopia’s Dogecoin or Litecoin markets. It’s all utter crap.

But here’s the thing, when a coin breaches 1 satoshi worth in value and sustains that price for a period of about 1 week, Cryptopia adds the coin to the BTC pairings. And that opens it up to a world of traders like myself that only look at the BTC pairs.

I have been following PENG coin for about 2 weeks now, and let me guarantee you this and you can watch it from now for the next few days and weeks and it will always remain true.

PENG coin is ALWAYS in the top volume on the LTC markets. Always. Period.

Open up your Cryptopia, go to the LTC markets, arrange by volume, If PENG is not in the top 10, I will give you 1 BTC. Don’t hold your breath. It’s in the top 10, I guarantee it.

That’s because people are cottoning on to a simple fact.
There is an ever-increasing amount of hype around this rebrand for a very obvious mathematical, and exposure (marketing) reason.

The reason is as follows. Bear with me.

A predictable chain of events is about to begin.

It will currently take, about 5 Bitcoin to push PENG from its current price of 35 lits, 100% to 79 lits, aka, 1 Satoshi in price.

Once this happens, PENG coin will get added to BTC markets on Cryptopia, being the highest volume on the LTC markets, you can expect it to rise very quickly on the Cryptopia BTC volume charts. People, new investors, will notice a new BTC pair with high volume at a 1 satoshi (i think it will debut at 2 satoshis) price and very low market cap.

Let me show you what day 1 of PENG on the Cryptopia BTC markets will look like.

What would you do if you saw a high volume low market cap coin at the price of 1 or 2 Satoshi? Knowing that the only next logical price it can possibly attain is 100% profit at 2 Satoshi then 50% more profit at 3 satoshi? Well, that’s a no-brainer right. You obviously would buy it. 100% profit couldn’t be easier.

And this is my point. Currently PENG is half a Satoshi, and for 2 weeks the top volume on LTC pairing on Cryptopia. If 5 BTC of market depth is all that is standing between PENG and reaching 1 Satoshi, and a BTC pairing is all that’s standing between PENG and further exposure to traders who only watch BTC pairs, then 5–10 satoshis is literally in the bag. Well, my friends. At that price, which is still nothing, you’re looking at 10–20x profit from here.

And the thing about a low cap is low caps can SUSTAIN these price rises. Binance is not going to give you a 20x any time soon.

A coin like PENG worth less than 1 million USD, going 20x and having a 15 mil mcap can easily hold that value and a 5–10 satoshi price.

If you’re wondering why scams like PACC coin couldn’t hold 1 satoshi price, well, the market cap was 600 million, of course it couldn’t hold 1 Satoshi. Market cap and price go hand in hand, and PENG coin has the lowest price and market-cap I have ever seen on a decent coin rebrand ever, period.

So to re-iterate and to re-emphasise this fact. 5 BTC, is ALL that stands between PENG and a BTC pairing, a target price of 5–10 satoshis, and a gain of 10–20x.

And for a coin that still has to:
-> release its website
->get listed on Coinmarketcap (Exposure)
->coin swap
->coin burn
->release new wallet and masternodes
->announce partners
it’s not a question of if it will get the 5 BTC of volume it needs to push its price to 1 satoshi and get the BTC pair, it’s a matter of when (in the short term) this will happen.

Now, which coin on Binance can you honestly say you are sure, in this bear market, WILL go 5–20x short term?

While so many traders are looking at their portfolio wondering if a coin they hold will move at all this bear market, I would advise becoming one of those traders who looks at their portfolio with a smile and asks themselves, WHEN your holding will reach it’s target.

Because if you are asking yourself if a coin will reach your target, it’s not investing, its gambling.

Get into positions that are certain. And you too will be one of the few at an all-time high in this bear market.

5 BTC is all it will take to start a chain of events that each result in a predictable outcome.

  • Events and hype will push this to 79 lits easily
  • The BTC pair will be unlocked
  • Traders will jump at a high volume low cap BTC pair trading under 10 sats with so much still in store
  • Current holders will make 10–20x

The maths is simple. Cryptopia likes to make money, it is the point in their business. A coin that has been for 2 weeks straight the top earner of the LTC markets will make them a huge sum of money in fees when added to the BTC markets. Cryptopia the exchange, wants this to happen. Belive me.

PENG’s time will come, and it will come soon, and once again, a coin capable of 10–20x in the middle of bear season will be unleashed.

I’ll leave it at that :)

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