CodeVenza — Journey to Code

Siddharth Dayalwal
Club DevBytes
Published in
4 min readApr 12, 2020

CodeVenza was a 2 days long coding event which was held during the Computer Science Education Week, 2018(7th December — 13th December).

In the on-going CSEW, we organized a coding event under the banner of Computer Society of India. Individuals have to go through few problems, questions, and programs in a specific programming language and have to solve them within the allotted time period. Programming skills
and the logical mind-sets of the participants was tested in this event.

The event focused on Competitive programming. Don’t know about competitive programming? Don’t worry, let me brief you:
Competitive programming is a mind sport usually held over the Internet or a local network, involving participants trying to program according to provided specifications. Contestants are referred to as sport programmers.

Briefing about the event to all the participants
Briefing about the event to all the participants

The entire event was divided basically into two rounds, the first round was completely offline-pen paper based and the second round which was also the final round was completely online.

1st Round:
It was the Elimination Round. It was a 45 minutes pen paper based contest, in which there were various questions related to the programming language, programs, algorithms, etc. Participants faced some of the trickiest problems in this round. Majority of the questions were of logical level in order to test and develop the thinking level of students.

1st Round : Elimination Round

2nd Round:
It was the Final Round. It was a 45 minutes online coding round, in which participants need to do competitive programming in order to find solutions to the given problems. The problem statements were like real life challenges, few patterns and some algorithms. Also participants have to debug the given program and find the error in order to fetch the
desired output.

2nd Round : Final Round
2nd Round : Final Round

The final round was indeed a nail biter one, all participants were full of enthusiasm and excitement. After the round ended, the judging process started, we started analyzing the programs written by participant developers. Scores were allotted on the basis of various points like time taken, quality of code, efficiency, logic used, etc.

Concluding the event with winner declaration

After the judging finished, results were announced and winners were declared, the certificates were distributed to all the participants along with the winners.

“All’s Well That Ends Well!”

Organizing any event is always a great experience. Apart from handling and managing the event, you get an opportunity to teach others, help others learn new things, you yourself learn something new, it helps develop your soft skills and indirectly yourself too as a person.

Special thanks to our college BITS Edu Campus for helping organize the event and also to all the students who actively took part and made the event successful.



Siddharth Dayalwal
Club DevBytes

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