
Siddharth Sagar
2 min readDec 10, 2023


This is a section of my article Void, published in my newsletter Tyler’s Journal. Check it out!

Liu Cixin. This guy is the modern day Issac Asimov. He wrote my favourite science fiction series “The Three Body Problem” and luckily,

Netflix is also picking it up.The second book discusses a theory, which is very well known. The theory of dark forest. Imagine, you live in a forest. No place to go, there’s just forest. You live in there and one day, you decide to go out and think, am I the only one in this forest? You go around for a really long time, you find someone. You have never seen anyone in your life and suddenly someone who might or might not look like you is in front of you. Fiction says you guys would become instant friends. History says otherwise. You don’t know if they are going to attack and take away your resources, you don’t know if YOU can take away their resources. So now it’s a race. Who attacks first!

Imagine there is intelligent life except us. Do they want to meet us? Why won’t they try to cloak themselves from our gaze? What reason do they have to collaborate with us? Humans don’t have a good history with collaborating with people from different ethnicity for a major period of history, different planet?

It gets even more interesting, there is a possibility that there are civilizations way advanced than ours, we have gone very deep into space as I write this. Why they choose not to attack us? What are THEY afraid of? There’s obviously something way scarier out there!

Another theory being why we don’t contact tribes in secluded places. Shouldn’t tamper natural order for nothing. Maybe we are those tribes to the space overlords? Who knows?

And if you are a little curious now, watch this Youtube Video about kaiber belt. Obviously I don’t support half baked theories but it doesn’t only apply to aliens! It applies to us too,

