Adventures of Mooman: Ep 07 - The Battle Begins

Siddhesh Jaiswal
6 min readMay 22, 2017


A cow that was abducted by aliens returns to earth with superpowers to fight crime and injustice.

In the last episode, our beloved Mooman came face to face with an old friend, a fellow abductee who had gone through the same hardships that she had suffered on Pluto. However, this old friend, a buffalo, might very well be the reason why Mooman was being arrested.

“Did you do it Raghu?” asked Mooman, staring at the Buffalo who was still blocking the entrance of the Police Van. “Did you burn the village?”

“Yeah,” The Buffalo replied without any sense of remorse. “You have no idea how happy I felt after doing it.”

As soon as the Buffalo answered Mooman’s question, our superhero threw herself at him tossing him away from the Van, the buffalo flew away a few feet before crashing into tree trunk making a dent in it.

Mooman was furious as she spoke again, “How could you burn an entire village just to get back at your old master?”

The Buffalo, who had been hit by the sudden attack, had gotten up and had started stretching, neglecting Mooman’s question.

Just then a News Van came to a halt on the road from where Police Van had been thrown off, a woman and a cameraman quickly got out and started running towards the commotion.

“What’s going on here Mooman?” asked Dwarka, the reporter; she had hurried over towards the Police Van. “Were you guys in an accident? Is everyone okay?” She then saw the big Buffalo standing on two legs wearing a dhoti. Something about him made Dwarka feel uneasy and it had nothing to do with the fact that he was a Buffalo standing on two legs wearing a dhoti.

Officer Chauhan who was accompanying Mooman in the Police Van got out and walked towards Dwarka, “You need to get back,” he said, holding Dwarka by her arm and dragging her away from Mooman. The cameraman accompanying her followed them quietly.

“What’s going on here Officer?” Dwarka asked, still not able to look away from the Buffalo.

“Get back here and I will explain,” said Officer Chauhan. “But I need to check on the driver first, he is injured.”

Mooman had completely ignored Dwarka’s arrival and was looking intently at the Buffalo.

“Answer me Raghu,” Mooman shouted this time. “Why did you burn the whole village?”

“Stop calling me Raghu,” The Buffalo finally spoke. “That was a slave name given to me by my master, but you see, my shackles have been burned away. From henceforth, I shall be known as the Buff-Fellow.”

“Huh,” said a puzzled Mooman. “You are a Buffalo, you just want people to call you a Buffalo?”

“NO,” said Buff-Fellow getting irritated. “It’s B-U-F-F, buff and then Fellow with a W.”

“That doesn’t make any sense,” Mooman argued.

“Look, who’s talking,” Buff-Fellow said. “You call yourself Mooman and you are not even a man, at least I am buff,” Buff-Fellow flexed his muscles as he said that. “And a fellow, it’s a very clever wordplay.”

Mooman just shook her head. “Maybe you can come up with a better name when you are in prison as for my name it’s a long story and I will tell you about it when I come to visit you in the jail.”

“I am not going to a prison,” said Buff-Fellow, he then charged horns first at Mooman.

Mooman quickly defended herself by blocking Buff-Fellow’s horns using her hoofs. Buff-Fellow kept charging, pushing Mooman in the opposite direction. As Mooman was getting overpowered, she pointed her udders in Buff-Fellow’s direction and squirted milk towards him.

Buff-Fellow, however, seemed to have anticipated Mooman’s move and quickly dodged the milk by pushing down hard with both his legs as his body went parallel to the ground. He then detached his horns from Mooman’s hold and quickly swung his right hoof to land a punch on Mooman’s left cheek. Mooman’s went flying to her right crashing into the trees nearby.

“NOOOOOO,” shouted Dwarka, who was watching the action from behind the Police Van, Officer Chauhan was holding her back as she tried to make her way towards Mooman.

“You want to know why I burned the whole village?” Buff-Fellow walked over to where Mooman was lying face down; he kicked her in the side flipping her over. “It’s because I hate humans.” He said stomping on Mooman’s stomach.

Mooman still lied on the ground moaning in pain as the Buff-Fellow continued speaking, “The humans think they have achieved all the success on their own,” he kept one hoof on Mooman’s stomach as he spoke. “They seem to have forgotten the contribution of animals, animals like us on whose backs their civilizations were built. They don’t care about anyone else, for them, we are just a tool, a sport or food.” He finished in disgust.

“That’s enough,” Officer Chauhan said pointing his gun towards Buff-Fellow. “Step away from Mooman or I will shoot.”

“Supersonic Moooooo,” Buff-Fellow shouted in the officer’ direction. Officer Chauhan was disarmed and flung back due to the impact, he hit a tree, which knocked him out.

“They don’t have to be at the top of the food chain anymore,” Buff-Fellow said looking at Mooman again, “We are more powerful than them. Join me and together we shall rule this planet.” He offered his hoof to Mooman.

“That’s not true,” Mooman managed to mumble.

“What did you say?” Buff-Fellow asked, looking down at Mooman.

“I said, it’s not true,” Mooman raised her voice. “They have not forgotten us, they love us, they care for us, and some of them even worship us for our contribution.”

“I see you are still the naive cow that you were when you came to Pluto,” Buff-Fellow said. “Only because of your stupid Gopalji you love them all.”

“It’s not just Gopalji,” said Mooman, her neck turning towards the Police Van where Dwarka was attending to the unconscious officer. “I have received love from all of them.”

Buff-Fellow followed Mooman’s gaze; in that split second Mooman saw the opening and quickly squirted some milk on him.

The Buff-Fellow shrieked in pain as the acidic milk landed on his bare chest. Mooman then quickly wrapped her tail around the Buff-Fellow’s right leg and yanked on it causing him to fall. She got on top of him and squirted more milk, causing him to scream louder. She then punched him in the face.

Sensing Buff-Fellow was knocked out, Mooman ran towards where Officer Chauhan and Dwarka were. “Is he alright?” she asked Dwarka.

“Yea, I think so, he is still breathing,” Dwarka replied, she looked at Mooman’s injuries. “Are you alright?”

“I think so,” Mooman answered softly.

Dwarka’s eyes suddenly widened as she looked over Mooman in horror, “He’s up.”

Mooman turned around to see Buff-Fellow uprooting a tree and throwing it in their direction.

Too weak to respond with a counter-attack, Mooman just got up and took the full blow of the tree blocking Dwarka and Officer Chauhan from harm’s way.

Loud sirens started filling up the air as scores of Police cars descended on the scene. Mooman had fallen with her eyes closed in Dwarka’s lap.

“HELP,” cried Dwarka, watching the Policemen approach them, but when she turned around to look at Buff-Fellow, there was no one there.


Sketch of Mooman and Buff-Fellow created by Hannah Johnson

