Adventures of Mooman: Ep 01 - The Minar Crisis

Siddhesh Jaiswal
5 min readApr 8, 2017


A cow that was abducted by aliens returns to earth with superpowers to fight crime and injustice.

Prime Minister’s Office, North Block, New Delhi, India

The Prime Minister’s Office
The Chief of Intelligence Bureau had received some disturbing information and he was at the Prime Minister’s office to brief him on the situation.

“Sir, this is very serious.” The chief said as soon as he walked into the office. “We have confirmation that the capital city is in danger. We had been keeping track on a scientist, Dr. Raut, who was ousted from Indian Institute of Military Research for carrying out dangerous experiments. We now know that he has built a weapon that could destroy New Delhi.”

“What kind of weapon?” the PM questioned.

“A weapon that emits a powerful laser that could cut thru any material,” answered the Chief who had now started sweating. “He is driving a truck with the weapon towards Qutub Minar as we speak. We believe he intends to cut the Minar in half to showcase its power. The truck he is driving in is laden with explosives. He has warned that if any attempts are made to stop him he will blow up the truck. We estimate the blast radius to be at least 500m, in a city like ours that is a lot of casualties. “

“Is there nothing we can do?” asked the PM feeling helpless.

“We can ask her for help.” said The Chief looking at the PM with desperation. “I know she is an outlaw but in this scenario, I believe she is our only hope.”

The PM shot back. “Are you saying our only hope is a cow?”

“As human beings, we have seldom depended on divine intervention, I guess it is time to go bovine.” said the Chief trying to persuade the PM. “We need your permission to authorize this, there is a big risk involved but using her is our best possible option right now.”

“You have the gai…I mean the go.” the PM managed to say. “Our city is now in her hoofs.”

Highway leading to Qutub Minar

Qutab Minar, New Delhi, India

Dr. Raut, ardently drove towards the Minar, knowing that the world was about to witness his achievement, a weapon so incredible that it will bring the nation to its knees, a price it must pay for dishonoring him.

Suddenly a cow appeared in the middle of the road causing Dr. Raut to swerve off the highway to avoid a direct collision.

“No matter how much we progress as a country, there will always be stupid cows on the road.” Dr. Raut mumbled to himself as he got out of the truck to check for damage.

“If humans took better care of us, we wouldn’t need to wander around looking for food.”

“Who said that?” Dr. Raut quickly grabbed the device dangling from a chain he was wearing. “Stay back or I will blow away this whole area into dust.” His eyes searched around for the source of the voice.

“Calm down, we need to talk,” The cow on the road stood up on its hind legs as she addressed the scientist.

“What the…” Dr. Raut stumbled back as he tried to comprehend what was going on. “You… you are that cow who was abducted by the aliens, what are you doing out here on the road?”

“I am here to stop you from going down this route,” said the cow as she stretched her back from side to side. “Stop now before someone gets hurt.”

Dr. Raut quickly drew a pistol he had tucked behind and shot at the cow. The cow simply stood there as the bullet hit her and fell to the ground. She then reacted quickly by squirting milk from her udders onto to the pistol. Dr. Raut instinctively dropped the gun as it started melting over his fingers.

“What are you?” Dr. Raut said looking at the gun melting away on the ground.

“When the aliens conducted their experiments on me they unwillingly ended up giving me some powers, so I have this super strong hide now.” The cow explained pointing to where the bullet had hit her. “And yeah all that radioactive exposure has caused my milk to go acidic, so there is that,” she finished pointing to the gun.

“You are not going to take me alive,” The doctor went for the remote on the chain he was wearing.

“Supersonic Moooooooooooo,” bellowed the cow.

The impact was so powerful that the doctor flew twenty feet away. The chain around his neck flew off even further.

“I am sorry,” The cow grinned looking down at the knocked out scientist. “I completely forget about my Moo.”

Sirens could be heard as police cars approached the scene. Chief Singh quickly hurried out of the front car and looked at the truck and the unconscious Dr. Raut. He then regarded the cow who had meanwhile dressed into her costume, a pink cape around her neck, her udders still sticking out uncovered between the pink t-shirt and pant. The t-shirt had a handwritten white M on the front.

“We are very grateful to you,” Chief Singh said raising his palm for a handshake. “You are an incredible woman.”

The cow looked at her hoofs. “We will have to do with a bump,” The chief met her hoof with his fist.

She then put her right hoof on her waist and raised the left one in the air.

“And yeah, I am not a woman.” The cow grinned, as she looked around at all the assembled security personnel. “I am just your friendly neighborhood Mooman,” she said before zooming away.


Sketch created by Hannah Johnson

