🍷A curated list of Indie Makers and Solopreneurs that will inspire you to create

The Girl
3 min readSep 27, 2022


All we really need is an inspiration shot to fulfill the potential we already have.

I’m certain that every one of us, writers and readers, have felt a bit of analysis paralysis when it comes to being productive and moving forward with our ` projects.

What many of us (my self included not too long ago) get wrong is that analysis paralysis not only manifests by making us stagnant in our actions while we know what we’d like to do or learn.

Analysis paralysis also means that you may know exactly what you want to do and accomplish, but don’t even know how or where to start or what to ask.

If you ever felt this way, drop a comment on how you managed to work around it.

The following list will (hopefully) help you the same way it helped me to center the spinning thoughts and ideas and gave me comfort in knowing that there are solopreneurs and wide achievers like me that have made it by being consistent and trying over and over (there is no perfect idea from the beginning).

I won’t ‘bore’ you with an entailed description or bio. Click the name for a chance to visit their blog, page, twitter profile and have a better idea of what they’ve accomplished than any of my words can describe.

1 — THE G.O.A.T (at least for me)

Pieter Levels. This dutch serial-preneur started by having a youtube music channel and moving to Bali. He went on to create +80 projects of which only half a dozen have been monetized.

He now earns more than 2 million a year.

2 — Ben Stokes’s Tiny Projects.

Ben Stokes is as creative as they come.

He made bank by buying and then reselling emoji email domains (mailojis).

He’s made a series of tiny projects and, guess what, not every single one of them worked out but the ones that did, earn him money and serious professional rep.

3 — Dashie Huss.

She’s currently working on a device that will allow you to tweet when you’re asleep (yes, you read it correctly).

A self-taught developer, she’s a creative indie maker with a knick for AI and machine learning, gaining popularity amongst peers and the public alike, while increasing her net worth.

4 — Alex West.

He makes 400.000$ a year generating leads for businesses that wish to know all about new startups.

His revenue is so passive and low-effort (after working on it for years, of course)that on his Twitter profile, he says he’s unemployed.

5 — Niche Site Lady.

She worked as SEO manager for 10 years before she decided to go on and build her own websites with SEO traffic.

She now makes 10.000$ a month after a couple of years and she spills the beans on Twitter about it — which has gathered her 25k followers in less than 6 months.





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The Girl

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