⏰ Stop planning and start doing: a bullet-pointed framework for starting a freelancing side hustle ⏰

The Girl
2 min readSep 8, 2022


This article may not be lengthy and philosophical, but boy does it get you moving and motivated!

From unsplash.com

🎯 Stop planning, start doing. Don’t let analysis paralysis get to you.

Ugh. Analysis paralysis is THE worst. BUT, you know how you fight it? Do something that gets you closer to what you want to achieve. Anything. Want to start a blog? List all of the niches you could write about and then go search for available domains. Want to offer advice and consultation? Write a very well-researched article or post, update your resumé to showcase your best features, and start publishing on LinkedIn (or any other platform where your audience is).

🎯Pick one or two platforms for freelancing (LinkedIn, Contra, Upwork…).

Yes, it’d be better if you already had your own agency. If that’s not the case, or you don’t have a series of paying customers, get experience and exposure in a freelancing platform. LinkedIn is a perfect one for both networking and showcasing your skills.

🎯Pick two specialties or services and really work on their description and images.

And anything that helps convince your future client to hire you and not someone else.

🎯Become active on the platforms

Check your profile several times during the day, answer quickly to any DM, take tests the platform offers to validate skills, etc.

🎯 Promote your freelance profile on your Social Media, with family, friends, and even co-workers.

If that’s a possibility, go for it. If you’re shy and don’t want anyone to know about it, sign up for a few freelancing forums, go on Quora and Reddit and answer questions related to your services — and also find like-minded freelancers to engage with, they will have a lot of advice to share.

That’s it. Now go freelance! Tons have found success as freelancers. You can too.



The Girl

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