What happens if I publish a story every day on Medium for a month?

The Girl
2 min readSep 20, 2022


From me using Stable Diffusion. Yes, this is a confusing pic that uses Donald Trump as clickbait. If you clicked on the article because of the pic, kindly let me know in the comments — I’m conducting an experiment.

Since I joined Medium last month and paid for a premium membership, I have gained nothing but powerful insight, tips, and inspiration to do something I really enjoy and that I have been paid to do before: write.

This time around, I’ll be the one to decide on the topics and the structure, not my paying client.

So I challenge myself to publish an article every day for a month and monitor the attention my account gets, if it helps me grow in Medium if it pushes me up the research results ladder.

The metrics I’ll be monitoring will be the ones Medium gives us all:

  • Impressions
  • Fans
  • Total reading time
  • Follower count

Another ‘metric’ I’ll take into consideration is how many people leave a comment and interact with my articles. This one is not measured by Medium and displayed in a graphic, but we can all do it nonetheless.

My plan is:

  • Create a list of topics
  • Then create a list of titles based on the topics
  • Batch create the first drafts and get the articles images
  • Polish the drafts and publish

As a tech stack for that I’ll be using:




🤖Dall.E and Stable Diffusion for images

✍🏾 labs.openai’s Playground for text completion

Why this self-imposed challenge?

When I set a timeline and a goal I tend to keep my intentions and work on them. When I publicly state my intentions (even if for now I only have 7 followers), then I don’t allow myself to fail.

🚨BEFORE YOU GO: If you clicked on the article because of the pic, kindly let me know in the comments — I’m conducting an experiment.

If you clicked because of the title, also let me know in the comments referring to the titles. The results will help me analyze what works and will allow me to share it here on Medium so you can benefit from it too!



The Girl

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