Breaking Free from Quiet Desperation: Taking Steps Towards a More Fulfilling Life

5 min readJul 17, 2023

I first heard about quiet desperation, on Joe Rogan’s podcast…….and it gave me a moment of unsuspected surprise and relief, it resonated with me, almost immediately, It felt like Joe was talking about me…..

Joe Rogan has spoken about the concept of quiet desperation on his podcast, “The Joe Rogan Experience.” Rogan has discussed how many people are stuck in jobs or situations that they hate, but they feel like they can’t leave because of financial or societal pressures. He has also talked about how social media can exacerbate feelings of quiet desperation, as people compare their lives to the curated versions of other people’s lives that they see online.

Rogan has emphasized the importance of finding a sense of purpose and pursuing one’s passions, even if it means taking risks or making sacrifices. He has encouraged his listeners to be honest with themselves about what they really want out of life and to take steps towards achieving those goals.

At the same time, Rogan has acknowledged that not everyone has the privilege or resources to make major changes in their lives. He has stressed the importance of empathy and understanding towards people who may be struggling with feelings of quiet desperation.




It is simple, I love making money, I love side hustles, I want more in life and I want to share my knowledge and experience with others.