Sidera and INSCoin together! | Wearing the Future

SIDERA Blockchain Technologies
1 min readJun 23, 2018


The first success of Sidera blockchain is a groundbreaking one: a partnership whith the outstanding new generation insurance company based on blockchain INSCoin, has just been completed. The two futuristic projects will support eachother, technically and materially.

Let’s get deeper in to the details of the two projects, so that the range of the agreement can be made clear.
Sidera Blockchain just delivered SmartBit: the first decentralized wearable device that allows for an OFFCHAIN Wrist-to-Wrist exchange. The features of this visionary device just stand out from the crowd:
Biometric Input
Digital key generated by wrist movement
NFC for wrist-to-wrist offchain transactions
Multicurrency support
Rocksolid military grade AES 2048 encryption

And many revolutionary nice-to-haves according to the collected donations. Sidera Blockchain gives you the canche to have the world of cryptos is in your hands.

INSCoin, instead, is a brand new concept of insurance. The companies will rely on a rocksolid blockchain to release smart-contract based insurance policies, disrupting the idea of insurance with completely transparent contracts, instantaneous and automatic prize payments in case of accidents and great inprovements in cost-effectiveness of service.

Sidera: wearing the future.

White paper:




SIDERA Blockchain Technologies

SIDERA is the first technology based on decentralized wearable devices-simple to use. SIDERA - wearing the future.