Sidera’s Tsunami grows taller with Vilma Misiukoniene.

SIDERA Blockchain Technologies
2 min readAug 15, 2018


Huge waves carrying the future of e-payments and blockchain have been shaking the sector since Sidera entered it; now, with this new team member, speaking about a tsunami sounds more appropriate.

Vilma Misiukoniene graduated both in IT and Law. Changemaker since the beginning, she became a cryptoeconomy driver and played key roles as cybersecurity, privacy advisor and EU and Pubblic Affairs expert. Among other notable initiatives, she is a board member of The Crypto Economy Organisation. Her knowledge of fintech and strong bonds with banks and governments are an insurance policy on Continuum project: Sidera’s own exchange.

Let’s take a closer look at her brilliant 15+ years experience in EU affairs and digital policy, IP & IT law, business development and advisorships.

She has advised Governments and Parliaments, worked with EU institutions, European and worldwide ICT associations as national ICT industry representative on Digital Agenda, EU Single Digital Market on Vilnius — Brussels scale and beyond. She’s a Special Advisor for Lithuanian Presidency. She’s a persistent ice–breaker in dialogue with legislative authorities, MPs & MEPs. Co–author of Harmonizing Digital Markets (HDM) initiative, which was raised to an EU level by joint effort. She has an in–depth experience of the associated bodies management, as well as knowledge of professional networks and expert groups coordination.

Since saying more would be just vain, we can only shout welcome onboard!

Sidera, wearing the future.



SIDERA Blockchain Technologies

SIDERA is the first technology based on decentralized wearable devices-simple to use. SIDERA - wearing the future.