A Colorful Logger for the Browser

Sidhant Panda
1 min readSep 24, 2019


Introducing a colorful logger built for easing front-end development — https://www.npmjs.com/package/logt


  • Small library size — Only ~1.3KB gzipped!
  • Colorful labels to help distinguish logs by importance.
  • Log levels to hide less important log messages.
  • Show hidden messages programmatically to print logs hidden due log level.
  • Built with TypeScript for detailed type info and that sweet sweet autocomplete.


$ npm i logt -S


You can use this logger for your frontend projects. You can choose as an ES6 module or directly include the script in HTML.

ES6 Import

Include in HTML through CDN

Show hidden log messages

This feature allows to quickly see hidden logs in the developer tools without having to make code changes. The logger stores all hidden messages locally.

You can head over to the project’s Github page for more detailed documentation.

