Invest in SmartBonds with Maple

Sidney Powell
3 min readNov 14, 2019


A How-to Guide


Maple is a two sided marketplace that lets Issuers borrow from Investors by creating and selling SmartBonds to them. Investors can use Maple to lock in stable, predictable income or to speculate a decreasing Compound Supply rate. This article is a guide to investing with Maple.

What’s a SmartBond? SmartBonds = the WORLD’S FIRST digital native bonds.

Digital bonds. Backed with Digital Assets. Trusting code.

Getting Started

What you need to get started:

  • Metamask wallet — this is the wallet you use to interact with Maple. If you haven’t got one, click this link to download the extension —
  • DAI — one of the most prevalent stablecoins in the market, 1 DAI is the equivalent of 1 USD. The DAI that you invest will represent the amount of Maple SmartBonds you purchase (1 DAI = 1 SmartBond). If you don’t have any DAI then you can obtain some by:
  • Converting from ETH to DAI here: or
  • Purchasing directly here:

Selecting your Investment

  1. Click through from the App Homepage to the Investor portal.
  2. All of the SmartBond offers available for investment are shown here, along with their Status, Total Size of SmartBonds available and the amount already bought by Investors.
  3. Click on Invest to view the details and buy SmartBonds.
  4. This screen shows the terms for each SmartBond Grade. You can elect to purchase 25%, 50%, 75% or 100% of the Grade 1 or Grade 2 SmartBonds.
  5. Select your investment amount then click “Approve Tokens” and confirm the MetaMask transaction.
  6. Finally click “Confirm” to complete your purchase and approve the MetaMask transaction.

Activating the SmartBonds

After you have completed your investment in a SmartBond the offer period will continue to countdown until it either reaches zero or the offer gets fully bought by Investors (100% filled).


  1. The offer gets Activated (the Issuer or any Investor can trigger this),
  2. The Maple SmartBonds are minted and and start earning you interest.

SmartBond Life and Repayment

Sit back and watch the SmartBond earn a fixed return for the duration of its term.

At the end of their term, the SmartBonds collect the Dai from Compound and repay Investors their initial investment plus interest accrued.

Grade 1 SmartBonds get repaid first, then Grade 2 and lastly the Issuer gets their Equity plus any remaining Interest.

The repayment will be made in DAI and be returned to your MetaMask wallet.

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