A stablecoin on the IOTA’s Tangle will change everything

5 min readApr 27, 2023


The story is only showing ideas and possible scenarios, not a financial advice nor a official news.

The emergence of cryptocurrency has caused a paradigm shift in the way we think about money and its distribution. One of the most significant challenges that cryptocurrency faces is its volatility. The value of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum fluctuates rapidly, making them unsuitable for use as stable stores of value. However, the development of stablecoins has helped to address this issue. Stablecoins are digital tokens that are designed to maintain a stable value relative to a particular asset, such as the US dollar or gold.

A stablecoin made on the IOTA's Tangle will change everything. The Tangle is a decentralized, fee-less, and scalable distributed ledger technology (DLT) that was developed by the IOTA Foundation. It is designed to be more efficient than traditional blockchain technology, with higher scalability and better security.

A stablecoin built on the Tangle will have several advantages over stablecoins built on other DLTs. For one, it will have lower/0 transaction fees. Because the Tangle does not rely on miners to validate transactions, there are no transaction fees. This means that users can transfer stablecoins without incurring any fees, making it a more cost-effective option than stablecoins built on other DLTs.

Another advantage of a Tangle-based stablecoin is its scalability. The Tangle is designed to handle a high volume of transactions with minimal latency. This means that the stablecoin can be used for micropayments and other small transactions, without the need for costly intermediaries. It also means that the stablecoin can be used for larger transactions, such as international money transfers, without the risk of congestion or delays.

The security of a Tangle-based stablecoin is also superior to that of stablecoins built on other DLTs. The Tangle uses a unique consensus mechanism called the Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) that is designed to prevent double-spending and other forms of fraud. Unlike traditional blockchain technology, which relies on miners to validate transactions, the Tangle relies on a consensus mechanism that involves all users in the network. This makes it more difficult for bad actors to manipulate the network and steal funds.

One potential use case for a Tangle-based stablecoin is in the Internet of Things (IoT) space. The IoT refers to the network of interconnected devices that are designed to communicate with each other and perform tasks autonomously. For example, a smart home might have devices that can communicate with each other to adjust the temperature, turn off lights, and lock doors. A Tangle-based stablecoin could be used to facilitate these transactions, allowing devices to pay each other for services rendered.

Another potential use case for a Tangle-based stablecoin is in the realm of decentralized finance (DeFi). DeFi refers to a range of financial services that are built on decentralized infrastructure, such as DLTs. These services include lending and borrowing, trading, and asset management. A Tangle-based stablecoin could be used as a stable store of value in these DeFi applications, allowing users to transact with less risk and volatility than they would experience with traditional cryptocurrencies.

However, there are also challenges to the development of a Tangle-based stablecoin. For one, the Tangle is still a relatively new technology, and it has not yet been tested at scale. While the IOTA Foundation has conducted extensive testing and simulations, it remains to be seen how the Tangle will perform in real-world scenarios. Additionally, the development of a Tangle-based stablecoin will require significant resources and expertise. The IOTA Foundation will need to work with partners in the financial industry to ensure that the stablecoin is compliant with regulatory requirements and can be used in real-world applications.

In conclusion, a stablecoin made on the IOTA’s Tangle has the potential to revolutionize the way we think about digital currencies and stable stores of value. Its low transaction fees, scalability, and security make it an attractive option for a wide range of applications, including the Internet of Things and decentralized finance. However, there are still challenges that need to be addressed before a Tangle-based stablecoin can become a reality. With continued innovation and collaboration between the IOTA Foundation and industry partners, a Tangle-based stablecoin could change everything and reshape the future of finance.

One of the key advantages of a Tangle-based stablecoin is its ability to operate in a fee-less environment. As opposed to traditional blockchain technology, which relies on miners to validate transactions, the Tangle uses a unique consensus mechanism called the DAG. This mechanism enables transactions to be validated and confirmed by the users themselves, without any transaction fees. This makes it an attractive option for microtransactions, which typically involve small amounts of money that would not justify high transaction fees.

Another advantage of a Tangle-based stablecoin is its scalability. The Tangle is designed to handle a high volume of transactions with minimal latency. This is accomplished by allowing multiple transactions to be validated simultaneously, rather than requiring transactions to be validated in a linear sequence, as is the case with blockchain technology. This allows for a much higher transaction throughput, which is essential for a stablecoin that is intended to be used for small transactions as well as larger ones.

The security of a Tangle-based stablecoin is also a major advantage. The Tangle uses a consensus mechanism that involves all users in the network, rather than relying on a small group of miners to validate transactions. This makes it more difficult for bad actors to manipulate the network and steal funds. In addition, the DAG structure of the Tangle makes it more resistant to attacks than traditional blockchain technology. This is because the Tangle does not rely on a single chain of blocks, which can be vulnerable to attack. Instead, the Tangle uses a web of transactions that are linked together in a way that makes it difficult to alter the history of the network.

However, there are also challenges to the development of a Tangle-based stablecoin. One of the key challenges is regulatory compliance. Stablecoins are often subject to the same regulations as traditional financial instruments, and compliance with these regulations can be a complex and time-consuming process. The IOTA Foundation will need to work with partners in the financial industry to ensure that a Tangle-based stablecoin is compliant with all relevant regulations and can be used in real-world applications.

Another challenge is the need for broad-based adoption. In order for a stablecoin to be successful, it needs to be widely accepted and used by a large number of people. This can be a difficult hurdle to overcome, particularly given the dominance of traditional financial institutions and the lack of familiarity that many people have with digital currencies. The IOTA Foundation will need to work to build partnerships with financial institutions and other key players in the financial industry in order to promote the adoption of a Tangle-based stablecoin.

In conclusion, a stablecoin made on the IOTA's Tangle has the potential to change everything in the world of digital currencies and finance. Its low transaction fees, scalability, and security make it an attractive option for a wide range of applications, including the Internet of Things and decentralized finance. However, there are also challenges that need to be addressed before a Tangle-based stablecoin can become a reality. With continued innovation and collaboration between the IOTA Foundation and industry partners, a Tangle-based stablecoin could change everything and reshape the future of finance.

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