What Is Programming, And Why Should You Learn It As Early As Possible?

6 min readMay 7, 2022


Programming is a method that is used to instruct a computer to perform specific tasks. It’s an incredibly valuable skill in our digital economy. As such, kids who learn to code early will have a big advantage over their peers.

What is Programming ?

Programming is a way to give computers instructions. Essentially, computers have languages or codes that they understand. By providing a computer with commands in this code, it can perform computational tasks that enable things like:

While many people use them interchangeably, programming and coding are different skills. Coding involves breaking down concepts into 1s and 0s so that the computer processor can interpret them.

Coding is a part of programming; however, it’s just one part of several steps. Some of these steps involve:

  • Planning
  • Designing
  • Testing
  • Deployment
  • Maintanence

Why is programming essential to learn?

Our economy is becoming increasingly digital. As a result, the demand for programmers has increased considerably in recent years. However, there is actually a programming skills shortage. Some estimates suggest that only 0.5% of the US population knows how to code.

The main reason for these shortages is that not enough kids learn to code. This situation is a shame because learning to code is hugely beneficial to kids of all ages.

Coding requires learning a computational language. And like any language, it’s best to learn when you’re young. However, some parents worry that coding might be too complicated or something that their child won’t be interested in. However, further examination reveals that this reasoning doesn’t quite stack up.

Kids are really interested in video games. They love playing them and watching other people play video games is one of the most popular categories on YouTube.

In fact, kids like all aspects of video games — including game development. Games like Roblox and Minecraft have emerged in recent years to capture the imagination of younger audiences. A big part of their success is how they encourage users to build and create worlds, games, and other elements.

Kids’ apparent interest in these applications presents a great opportunity. Teaching kids to code won’t be like dragging them to piano or dance lessons they don’t want to be at. It will teach them skills that they can use now and in the future.

Why kids should learn to program as early as possible

As we’ve mentioned earlier, coding gives kids eventual access to an in-demand job market. Apps, games, the internet, etc., are growing in popularity each day, and the economy is crying out for people who can help program the next generation of devices and ideas.

Additionally, if kids learn to code when they are young, they can build a solid base for enhancing their skills as an adult. While their peers are wrestling with new concepts and practices, kids who learn to code can push ahead.

However, there are several other great reasons why kids should learn to code.

#1. It enhances problems solving

Coding is a great way to help your children develop problem-solving skills. Alongside creativity, problem-solving consistently ranks as one of the most desirable workplace skills.

Programming requires people to break down tasks in a logical way. From day one of coding, your kids will face problems that they need to solve to achieve their outcomes.

These skills are transferable to any number of future careers.

#2. Coding teaches resilience

Resilience and persistence are two excellent characteristics that will serve a person well during their lifetime. Successfully programming requires people to develop a doggedness to see the project through.

Problems and small failures are par for the course, which means that programmers must learn to solve and overcome issues.

#3. Coding encourages creativity

As mentioned earlier, creativity frequently comes at the top of the most desired workplace skills. Kids have an abundance of creativity. Coding can harness this power and ensure that it is developed and maintained.

Some of the biggest and most popular games these days are Roblox and Minecraft. Roblox allows their community to program and develop games to share and distribute to each other. On the other hand, Minecraft is an open-world video game that encourages exploration and building.

The nature of building a game — or elements within a game or platform — requires creativity. By encouraging children to interact with these games, we encourage them to dream big, try things, and come up with solutions.

How should kids learn to code?

The most effective way for kids to learn coding is in a structured environment. While some people just need a computer, most benefit from an interactive setting where they can ask questions and get feedback and support.

At Wevun Global, we run fun, engaging classes aimed at children aged 7–14. Our after-school coding academy provides an excellent curriculum that will help your children develop a firm footing and interest in coding.

We place a big emphasis on breaking down complex concepts by developing a fun environment built around teaching children skills that they find valuable.

For example, our after-school curriculum teaches kids a variety of skills through game development. Children love games, and this medium leverages this interest to teach them a variety of coding languages (like Python, JavaScript, Lua) and development platforms like Scratch.

Additionally, we also center many of our classes around popular games like Roblox and Minecraft. Our courses teach kids how to build in-game elements and even games they can enjoy with their friends.

By focusing on learning things that kids love, they can pick up and persevere with complex subjects.

Of course, while after-school courses are a big part of what we do, we also offer summer camps.

Some of the great summer courses Wevun offers are:

● Beginner coding camp

● Minecraft structure development

● Minecraft modding

● Scratch game development

● Drone programming

The best part of these classes is that they take place online. There’s no need to drive there and back, and kids can learn coding skills in whatever comfortable environment they like.

Register for Wevun today so you can enroll your children in online courses or summer classes that will teach them skills like coding, creativity, resilience, and problem-solving in a fun and encouraging environment.

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