
2 min readAug 26, 2017


Kindness is a behavior marked by ethical characteristics, a pleasant disposition, and a concern for others. It is known as a virtue, and is recognized as a value in many cultures and religion. Kindness is the highest form of intelligence.

ALLAH is so kind that it is impossible to imagine His unbounded kindness.

Our religion teaches us about kindness. Our Holy Prophet (S.A.W) was very kind and generous. He (S.A.W) never took revenge from his enemies. At the occasion when Holy Prophet (S.A.W) went to Taif to preach Islam. the people of Taif injured Him (S.A.W) and abused Him (S.A.W).But He(S.A.W) did not took revenge and asked that “O ALLAH guide them they did not know”.

It is proved that our religion is always advising us to be kind to everyone even to the poor or helpless.

There are some incidents related to my own life about kindness.

- One day when I was coming from the school a lady was feeling difficulty in crossing the road. I also had to cross the road. So I helped her to cross the road and she prayed for me and praised me. That was a very happy moment.

- In my university one of my junior was searching for the notes. Nobody has given her the notes. I had prepared my notes for me in my previous semesters. She asked me to provide her the notes. I provided her notes and after giving her final exams she retuned my notes thanked me that these were helpful.

- Every day do acts of kindness. Like when I am in my store whenever my customers asked me to keep their children and they will just be back after living their school going children to school I ever help them.

Whenever people need my help I always help them. These acts of kindness always give happiness and I feel relax. Kindness is always good in personal and professional life. Even passing a smile to people is also the act of kindness.

