Some Bitter Truths that you must accept in Life

Sidra Anum
3 min readApr 11, 2024


Our lives are full of some bitter truths. These Bitter truths make life difficult when man doesn’t accept it.

Life is a bed of thorns.

From economic problems to social disparities, health challenges to mental health issues, life may test our strength and resilience. there is some bitter truth if we accept them life becomes easy.

Everyone cannot Like you

You can never be someone’s favorite even if you want to. Everyone has their own preference. Maybe some people like you. But some people dislike you for no reason, no matter how much you do for them. Please don’t blame yourself, we are not everyone's choice. We need to face this unpleasant fact.

Money is not the Solution

Man thinks that he can buy everything in life with money. To some extent, it is also right that money can buy many things even happiness. But it is also a bitter truth that we people have become materialistic. Due to this every person who has money and who does not have money is not happy.

It is important to recognize that money is not the solution to the problem.

We are not Perfect

We cannot be perfect in everything. Mistakes are human and no human is perfect. Some things we have to learn in life and with time we also become perfect at it.

And it doesn’t mean that we try to make ourselves perfect in everything.

Be who you are and focus on being the real you.

Nothing is Forever

Nothing in life lasts forever people come and go. Love, Depression, Sadness Happiness, Hate, and anxiety all these things are part of life. But with time these things also start to diminish. Nothing is permanent in your life.

So remember that we cannot hold things forever. And if we accept the bitter truth that one day everything will perish. The pain of letting things go will lessen.

Good Planner than Us

Everything in life does not happen as we plan.

If you don’t get the job you want, then it is ok…

If you can’t find what you love, then it is ok…

If you lost something, then it is ok…

And if something happens to you that changes your entire life, then it is ok.

Recognize that there is someone who is running this universe and GOD is the master planner.

Because man thinks that this is all that is better for me, but he does not know that GOD has thought even better.

People give Pain

People hurt you badly and act like they didn’t do anything. It happens many times in life, accept it and move on. Don’t blame yourself for why it didn’t happen or why it happened to me.

Sometimes people just come to teach you life lessons. So learn from mistakes and move on.

Facing the Critique

It is a bitter truth that we have to bear criticism from many people in our daily lives. People will judge you on every point. So don’t think about what people will say, and ignore what people say. Move forward with your life, and do what you like.

Life is Too Short

The greatest mistake of man is that he makes plans for the future. He thinks that for a few years he will be able to do this or reach this point. But he doesn’t know that life is too short. So we don’t know when our last breath will be.

Whatever we want to do, we have to do in our present.

These are the bitter truths of life that annoy us a lot. It is better for human to accept the reality because there is some thing that we can’t change how much we can do affort.



Sidra Anum

I'm Sidra Arshad, a passionate content writer dedicated to crafting engaging and informative articles that captivate readers' attention.