Parents avoid petty squabbles during the holidays.

Siedah Johnson


As the holiday approaches parents from two separate homes are coordinating who buys what and dividing time. Both parents are hell-bent on proving that their way of parenting and decision-making is better than the other. One parent has lax rules while the other loves to control everything. One doesn’t avoid their own needs while the other makes more sacrifices on behalf of the family.

How do you avoid being sucked in a petty dispute with the other parent who wants their way?

I can honestly admit that I didn’t know what it was to be a parent until I became one. I couldn’t have imagined the pressures of parenthood until I experienced it myself. Two parents in one household is a happy balance when both parents are happy. When they aren’t satisfied, then it is like walking into a room full of tension — never knowing when the next screaming match will be approaching.

No matter what the roles intel, as long as both parents are playing a role, then there is less pressure. Support, excellent communication, active listening, common goals, and peace is necessary for everyone.

We can’t ignore the many reasons why two parents split up. Not every environment is healthy for all parties. Usually, what’s gets in the way of co-parenting is…



Siedah Johnson

Author | Topics like self-love, self-improvement, writing, consciousness and spirituality.