Unrequited Love

Siedah Johnson


You love me like no other
You lay roses at my feet
You pay my bills, buy me cars and things
You see the world when you look at me
I love the way you love me
You shower me daily
I love the way you adore me
You will never hurt me as they do
You will not let me down as they do
But I do not love you how you love me
This unrequited love got me stuck
The pressure is on
You are out of luck
My heart is locked up
Tucked away and bagged up
I have no intentions on loving you
Feed my ego
Fulfill my every need
I love the way you cater to me
So submissive
You’ll never abandon me
You’ll never leave me
I know I’m living foul
Yeah, you deserve better
This unrequited love got me stuck
Just promise me you’ll never give up
Don’t pull away from me
I love you (I love how you love me)

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Siedah Johnson

Author | Topics like self-love, self-improvement, writing, consciousness and spirituality.