Can Folding Bike Go Fast?

Andrey Garcia
3 min readJul 6, 2022



Have you ever considered getting a folding bicycle? They’re great for commuting and can get you from point A to point B in no time. But what about speed? Folding bikes are often assumed to be slower than their non-folding counterparts, but that’s not always the case. Take my folding bike for example: it folds up into a backpack and unfolds in one minute, so I can take it on the train or bus with ease. Plus, it weighs only 13 lbs! Let me show you how this folding bike performs on its maiden voyage…

This folding bike folds and unfolds in one minute

It takes one minute to fold the bike and unfold it, which is a lot faster than with the other bikes. The folding mechanism is easy to use, and the bike folds flat so you can easily carry it onto buses or trains.

The bike weighs only 19 lbs (8.6 kg) so it can be carried around easily by almost anyone. The folding mechanism allows you to fold the bike down in seconds when you get where you are going, which means no more struggling with carrying heavy bikes around!

It is light enough for you to carry onto your train or bus

A folding bike is much lighter than a regular bike, which means it’s easier to carry. A folding bike weighs only 9.8 kg, which is about 4 pounds lighter than the average road bike (and about 15 pounds lighter than the average mountain bike). This makes it easy to take your folding bicycle anywhere you want to go, including onto public transportation such as trains and buses.

There are no special bags required for transporting your folding bicycle on public transportation; all you need is a sturdy handlebar bag or backpack.

But what about speed? How fast can this foldable bicycle go?

Yes, it can. In fact, this bike is a speed pedelec, which means it’s designed to go as fast as 25 km/h (15 mph). This can mean the world to commuters who want to get places quickly or people who simply don’t have time for a leisurely ride.

You’ll be able to use your folding bike singapore for pretty much anything you might use a regular one for: commuting and running errands around town are no problem at all with this bike.

This folding bike can go pretty fast!

Generally speaking, a folding bike can go pretty fast. The speed of these bikes depends on their size and weight relative to their regular-sized counterparts. Because folding bikes are smaller than regular bikes, they can be more easily moved around by their owners and transported in vehicles like cars, trucks and more.

They fold up into smaller packages that make them easier to transport than standard bicycles. They also come with lighter materials that allow faster speeds when going downhill or uphill on hills (because they’re lighter).


The folding bike is a great way to get around the city, save money and stay fit. You can take it on public transport, fold it up and store it anywhere without getting in anyone’s way. It is light enough for you to carry onto your train or bus too! But what about speed? How fast can this foldable bicycle go? Well, we have some good news: This folding bike can go pretty fast! If you are interested in buying one then head over to our website where we have plenty of options available at discounted prices so don’t miss out ;)

