How to buy City Touring Bike?

Andrey Garcia
4 min readSep 2, 2022



If you’re looking to buy a city touring bike, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll show you how to choose the right size, frame material, wheel size and type of bike for your needs so that you make the most informed decision possible. We also have an overview of our top five city bikes for sale in Singapore today and their specs so that you can compare them all easily.

1) The Right Size

The right size depends on the height of the rider. The seat height and handlebars should be at the same level so that you can sit comfortably on a touring bike. If it’s too high, it will hurt your back and make riding uncomfortable for you. If it’s too low, then it can cause knee problems because you will have to lean forward when riding uphill or going downhill, which is not good for your body posture.

The ideal distance between these two parts should be around 2–4 inches (5–10cm).

2) Frame Material

There are three options for material, and each has its own benefits.

  • Steel: It’s the most common material and is usually made of chromium molybdenum steel (or CRMO). This type of bike weighs more than other materials but it’s also the least expensive option. If you choose this type of frame, make sure that your city touring bike is strong enough to handle at least 70kgs or 154lbs in weight — that’s about how much an adult male can weigh on average!
  • Stainless Steel: This type of frame is just like steel except it won’t rust when exposed to water or moisture like regular stainless steel does. You can expect to pay more for this kind of frame because it takes more time and effort to work with than regular stainless steel. The result is a stronger, longer lasting ride though!
  • Aluminium: This material is lighter than both steel or carbon fibre but not as strong as either one so you’ll need extra care when riding around heavy traffic areas (which should be avoided if possible anyway). It also costs less than carbon fibre so if money isn’t an issue then go ahead and get aluminium!

3) Wheel Size

You should consider the wheel size of your new bike. The wheel size is a balance between speed, comfort and stability:

  • Smaller wheels help you ride faster and can even be used on rough terrain. However, they are harder to control in high speeds, so they are not recommended for beginners.
  • Larger wheels make it easier to ride on flat roads thanks to their greater stability but may not be suitable for steep climbs or off-road riding because of their slower speed.

Wheel sizes usually range from 16" to 27", with 20" being standard for city bikes. A larger diameter tire will roll over obstacles better than a smaller one but will also be heavier, making it harder for you to carry around when not in use (both at home and while traveling). On the other hand, if you’re looking for something more nimble or maneuverable then choose something lighter with less rolling resistance such as 26" or 700c.”

4) Types of City Bikes

There are many types of city bikes, with different features. You can find a city bike with a front basket and rear rack, but it might be more comfortable to ride if you get one that has both front and rear racks. Some models also have an option for folding so they’re easier to store.

5) Bike Finishing Kit

A finishing kit is an important part of any bike and should not be overlooked. The finishing kit is responsible for connecting the parts of the bike together, so it’s important to pay attention to the quality of this component when purchasing a city touring bike.

There are many different types of finishing kits available on the market today, but they all serve essentially the same function: to connect two pieces by providing a smooth surface along which they can slide back and forth over each other in order to create movement between them. Finishing kits are typically made from metal or plastic; plastic being cheaper than metal but less durable.

6) How Much Does a City Touring Bike Cost?

Prices vary depending on the model of city touring bike, brand and accessories. You can get a good quality city touring bike for around $300 to $400. But if you have more money and want to spend it on your first bike then you can go ahead and buy one that is going to cost around $1000 or even more than that.

There are many ways to save money while buying a touring bike. For example:

  • Look at used bikes in Craigslist or eBay — if you don’t mind used equipment then there are lots of options available online where people sell their old bicycles at very low prices.
  • Buy only parts that need replacement — whenever your bicycle stops working properly due to any reason (including accidents), always replace those parts which were damaged without spending too much money on them

Research different city bike models thoroughly and ride them yourself to find the right one.

  • Research different city bike models thoroughly and ride them yourself to find the right one.
  • Check for quality and durability, especially with the drivetrain components like the chain, gears, and derailleur.
  • Comfort is also important when you’re going to be riding your bike every day so make sure that you can fit into it comfortably. Check if the seat height is adjustable or not. Also check if there are any other accessories available in case you need to adjust its size further down the line (like when growing). This will save money in future!
  • Warranty should be a big part of your decision-making process as well as servicing options from the manufacturer/seller.


We hope that the tips we have given you will help you find your dream city bike. Riding a bike is an amazing experience, and it can be even better if you buy city bike in Singapore and choose the right model for your needs and preferences.

