5 of the best essential oils for sleep and anxiety

4 min readMar 4, 2020

Having a hard time falling asleep?

You’re not the only one. Millions of people suffer from sleep disorders around the world today, with around 4% of American adults saying that they rely on prescriptions to drift off.

Insomnia is more than just an annoyance — it’s an issue that can have a significant impact on your wellness and quality of life, causing problems like anxiety, stress, and even depression. While some people need specific treatments for their #SleepProblems, others may be able to overcome their issues with natural solutions.

Herbal treatments like essential oils are a great way to relax and unwind at night, reducing your risk of insomnia. The question is, which essential oils are best for sleep?

Here are just 5 of our top picks.

1. Lavender

Lavender essential oil is one of the most popular #EssentialOils for the treatment of stress and anxiety. Studies have found that using this kind of essential oil can calm the nervous system, reduce blood pressure, and soothe the heart rate.

Not only is lavender excellent for relaxation, but studies have also found that it can reduce feelings of sadness and anxiety in women with postpartum depression. According to scientists, lavender has a direct impact on the limbic system responsible for memory and mood. A lavender aromatherapy treatment can actually change the way that your brain works.

Just make sure that you speak to your doctor before you start applying lavender to your skin. This substance can sometimes have estrogenic effects.

2. Chamomile

Chamomile is another of the most popular options on the list of the top essential oils for sleep. Commonly found in relaxing teas, chamomile has long earned a reputation for its calming impact on the nervous system.

When used as part of an aromatherapy treatment, chamomile vapors can reduce a substance in the brain called ACTH. The ACTH hormone is caused by feelings of stress, which pushes the brain to remain active and engaged when you’re trying to get to sleep.

Chamomile, like lavender is a safe option for most people, but it can sometimes cause early contractions in pregnant women. Because of this, it’s best to avoid chamomile if you’re expecting.

3. Valerian

Valerian is one of the most common roots to appear in discussions about natural #SleepRemedies. Available in many different forms, this substance is excellent at regulating the natural cycle of hormones that move throughout the human body. This organic substance reduces nerve excitement in the brain, reducing stress and tension.

Valerian both improves your chances of falling asleep faster and encourages a deeper, more restful quality of sleep too. The medicinal effect of valerian dates back to early Greek and Roman periods. Though the substance isn’t as well-known as some alternatives yet, it’s becoming an excellent option for people with issues regarding stress and nerves.

4. Clary sage

Most people are familiar with the “Sage” herb, as it’s used very commonly in a range of dishes. Though clary sage is related to sage, it has a very different impact on your nervous system. While sage can cause people to feel more alert and awake, clary sage is excellent as a #NaturalRemedy for sleeping disorders, thanks to its effects as a natural sedative.

Research has shown that clary sage can effectively reduce the presence of stress hormones within the human system, helping you to relax before bed. Some people have even been able to reduce their feelings of anxiety when sitting in a dentist’s chair by using clary sage aromatherapy.

5. Jasmine

Finally, jasmine is another highly popular option for people in search of natural solutions for their #SleepDisorders. Commonly used in relaxing teas and soothing baths, jasmine has a sweet aroma that calms the senses.

Although the research into jasmine isn’t as significant as the studies available on lavender and chamomile yet, the studies that we have seen are mainly positive. One report from Wheeling Jesuit University found that people sleeping in rooms with the scent of jasmine were more likely to sleep peacefully and wake up feeling more alert the next day.

What essential oils are best for sleep?

There are dozens of essential oils available that can help to improve relaxation and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. When used correctly, these incredible solutions are a fantastic and natural way to overcome issues like insomnia and other sleeping disorders. What’s more, essential oils, unlike over the counter medications and prescription drugs, don’t come with any dangerous side effects.

Crucially, however, it’s important to remember that different people respond to essential oils in different ways. These substances are often adaptogens, which means that they can lead to different results depending on who takes them. You may need to experiment for a while before you find the right blend of oils to overcome your sleeping issues.

To learn more about the top 12 essential oils for better sleep, check out the full-length article here. On the other hand, if you just want to learn more about using natural remedies to improve your sleep, visit the siestio.com today!

Siestio. Sleep Matters.

