Tey Siew Choon
4 min readAug 21, 2016

Are you taking currently taking replacement collagen (synthetic collagen and animal collagen) or it’s wiser to let our body to self produce collage?

What is our first impression when we heard about Collagen?

It’s good for skin!
It’s preventing wrinkles
It’s gives elasticity to skin!!!

Does collagen only works for skin?? NO, the scope is much larger. Total there are 28 types of collagen. Here are the 5 main types

Collagen is indeed very important, However, according to research, our body stops producing collagen at the age of 25, some even earlier.

What happens when our body doesn’t have enough of collagen?

Definitely, without collagen it affects our skin greatly. Besides, it affects other parts of body as well

Other issues will start to surface:

- Such as joint issue, osteoarthritis, whereby collagen type II is needed to glue the joints
- Calcium and osteoporosis, whereby we need collagen to lock the calcium
— internal organ sagging, as there’s no collagen to support internal organ
- Hair loss due to unhealthy scalp
- spreading of cancer cells, given that collagen is needed to prevent the metastasis
- Stroke, given that we need collagen to strengthen the blood vessels, and make it to be more elastic
- Transparency of our eyes

Given that collagen is so important, market are flooded with collagen supplements

Can collagen be replaced in the body? Let find out from this article (You can zoom in to read up more)

In Summary, Can we take animal’s blood or organs to replace into our body?

If we can’t, then how can we replace animal’s collagen such as fish collagen and pig collagen in our body?

How do we know if a collagen product is belongs to replacement therapy?

Make a guess, what is the collagen source of these collagen products?

Yes, both are replacement from Marine Collagen (Fish, or other types of marine creature)

What consumer needs to know about Collagen market?

In recent years, collagen products have been actively linked to the topic of ANTI-AGING. Many beauty companies have introduced a wide range of collagen products for those wishing to stay young, have smooth skin etc. The response and feedback from most collagen users, however, is that collagen only gives short term results. Once stopped, skin rapidly returns to its previous condition within a few weeks. The reason for this is collagen breaks down easily, especially under direct sunlight. This is why constant supplementation is necessary.

Is it wise to spend money for such short-term results when a long term investment is needed?

Collagen is not well absorbed into the body when taken orally as it has been proven clinically that the body is incapable of absorbing direct intake of Collagen. One way to get around that is to take it by the vein (intravenous). Are you prepared to do that- inject yourself daily?

Synthetic collagen marketers want you to believe that there is no difference between naturally occurring collagen and synthetic because the synthetic are easier to produce and thus carry a much higher profit margin. It is that simple. It is the triumph of profits over health and most consumers including doctors have unknowingly bought into that value system.

Your education of the supplement industry up until now. You have been told that majority of supplements are nature’s own ingredients. But the sad truth is that in the case of commercially mass produced collagen, they are synthetic hormone or animal placenta. Most collagen will be destroyed during our digestion process.

Your supplement manufacturers maintain that this type of synthetic collagen is identical and just as effective as the naturally occurring collagen produces in our body . They are not.

Scientists have never successfully created an orange from scratch in a laboratory!

Likewise, neither can scientist create synthetic nutrients that exactly duplicate or replace naturally occurring collagen we need in our body.

The right way to do, is to let our body to self produce collagen

How can we let our body to self produce?

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