Top Five Emotion / Sentiment Analysis APIs for understanding user sentiment trends.

Mandy Sidana
Published in
6 min readMay 20, 2017


As we advance into the age of constant tweets and live-feeds, it is critical for any organisation to understand and track the general sentiment of its users at any given time.

Working on the same, I created a handy list of top five common emotional or sentiment analysis APIs which I found worth sharing and can be implemented for most projects.

IBM Watson Tone Analyzer API

The IBM Watson Tone Analyzer helps detect communication tones from written text. These communication tones can be categorised as emotion, language and social.

The emotion tones are categorised as anger, disgust, fear, joy, and sadness. The language tones are categorised as analytical, confident, and tentative. The social tones (Big Five personality traits) are categorised as openness, conscientiousness, Extraversion, agreeableness, and emotional range.



Mandy Sidana

Senior PM— A digital nomad experienced in AI first products, HRTech & Blockchain. Startup consultant. Buy me a coffee