#Startup Spotlight: Sparkly

2 min readFeb 27, 2018


Sparkly allows a designer to single handedly create beautiful, high impact mobile first landing pages in a matter of hours (as opposed to weeks — which is the current time it takes a team to create landing pages).

With his marketing background and prior experience, founder David Yahid, believed in the power of mobile. However, he became aware of a few setbacks regarding mobile. From data he had collected, he became aware of the low engagement rates of mobile. “The reason is that people expect a lot more on mobile because they are used to using apps, however, people are also installing less apps,” said Yahid. “Also, the problem brands have is that they don’t have enough developers to dedicate one person to the marketing department.”

To combat this problem, Sparkly developed a platform that will allow the designer to create these mobile pages that look great, but can be produced efficiently and timely, without the help and cost of developers.

David hopes to convert 10 clients from the current free pilot over to paid subscription.

*Fun Fact- David is a certified Porsche ambassador and loves racing cars!

