#Startup Spotlight: Trioceros

2 min readFeb 27, 2018


Trioceros is an acoustic drum pitcher that turns an existing drum into a diversified music instrument, while maintaining the traditional values of playing and production methods. This product is designed to give the drummer a versatile playing experience without being bound by their instrument to a specific music style. The product is founded by Oz Shenhar, who is a drum player himself. Shenhar says that from the start, he always wanted to do something in the field of drums. He explained that it included working with changing the sound and pitch of drums. “I wanted to solve the fact that the drum is the only instrument that has only one pitch.”

That is when he came up with the idea for Trioceros, and being the industrial designer himself, he knew he could make this happen. Shenhar says that his upcoming goals are to finish the construction of the production process, both in terms of product, and logistically, and to build a business model to market, which will include world-class drummers.

