Navigating the AI Landscape: Choosing the Right Model for Your Problem

Salman Sigari
3 min readOct 2, 2023


In the world of AI, it’s tempting to gravitate towards neural networks, given their impressive capabilities. However, the key is to discern when they are apt and when other techniques might be more suitable. Using a combination of factors and real-world experiences, let’s help you make this crucial decision.

1. Type, Size, and Quality of Data

Data Abundance:
Neural networks, especially deep learning models, have an insatiable appetite for data. However, when a renowned AI researcher delved into a rare disease with limited cases, traditional statistical methods, not deep learning, offered the breakthrough.

Data Type:
While images and sequences might intuitively fit the neural network mold, a FinTech startup’s journey reminds us of the benefits of gradient-boosted trees for tabular financial data, often yielding better results with less overhead.

Data Quality:
A poignant tale from a retail firm emphasizes that data quality can make or break AI endeavors. After weeks of wrestling with a neural network, a simple act of data cleaning dramatically optimized its performance.

2. Complexity and Interpretability

Model Complexity:
An agri-tech startup’s journey offers valuable insights. Predicting crop yields seemed tailor-made for a neural network, but linear regression, given the straightforward relation between features, proved equally adept without the neural network’s intricacies.

Interpretability Requirement:
In the healthcare sector, where decisions can be life-altering, a highly accurate neural network faced skepticism from doctors due to its ‘black-box’ nature. Transitioning to a more transparent rule-based system, albeit slightly less accurate, gained the doctors’ trust and reinforced the importance of model transparency.

3. Resources and Time

Computational Resources:
Powerful GPUs and TPUs might be beyond everyone’s reach. However, an NGO’s success with wildlife conservation, using simpler models on standard PCs, shows that innovation isn’t solely about the most sophisticated tech.

Training Time:
A digital marketing firm’s tale underscores the perils of long training times. By the time their deep learning model, which took weeks to train, was ready, market dynamics had evolved, diminishing the model’s effectiveness.

For a publishing house eager to employ neural networks for predicting bestsellers, collaboration with experts became the key. Teaming up with a university not only ensured project success but also facilitated invaluable knowledge transfer.

Graphical Insights

For a more visual understanding, let’s consider some graphical representations:

Data Requirements Chart:

Interpretability vs. Complexity Plot:


Choosing the right AI technique transcends technical checklists. The experiences of others, practical constraints, and broader community insights play pivotal roles. Neural networks might be powerhouses, but they’re not the universal answer. Tailoring your approach to each unique problem is paramount.

#DeepLearning #NeuralNetworks #DataQuality #ModelInterpretability #AIInnovation



Salman Sigari

Senior Data Scientist - DS Solution Architecture @ Bloomberg Law All opinions are mine.