What about a plant talking by itself on twitter?

2 min readJul 12, 2016


By Louis Moreau, IoT maker intern at Sigfox

On this first tutorial, we wanted to make something come alive.

What about a plant talking by itself on twitter? What about a plant complaining when it is getting dry, saying hello every morning, feeling lonely during the week end when everyone left the office?

If you want to reproduce this tutorial by yourself, we published it on both Instructables and Hackster platforms.
We tried to be as much explicit as we could — from how to build the device to the data monitoring in a web app.
This project is completely open-source, feel free to modify and to share how you did it.
We wanted to monitor the soil moisture, the brightness of the room and the temperature. In order to do so, we used the following materials:

  • an ATMEL EVK shield
  • a USB cable (type A)
  • a 10 kΩ resistor
  • a photocell resistor
  • a moisture sensor
  • few male-to-male cables
  • a breadboard

The wiring is actually very simple:

The web app source code is also provided on Github, it is based on AngularJS.

So… Ready to get started?

Check the tutorial on:






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