You’re hurt, aren’t you? (Life in a Human Shell #1)

Sigrid Ilisa Krüger
2 min readJul 22, 2023


Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Part 1 of Life in a Human Shell: Hurt.

You’re hurt, aren’t you? Admit it. But first, take a moment to breathe. Take a deep, deep breath. Inhale, then exhale. Now say it with me:

“I am fucking hurt.”

Now, now. We gotta stop for a moment. First of all, I would like to appreciate your bravery. It took a lot to admit it, right? To admit that something you’ve been ignoring for so long, just because you hate feeling like an overly sensitive loser, has been hurting you so much? To admit that you’ve been pretending to be okay about the things that you are clearly not okay with.

Second of all, I think being hurt sucks. Who doesn’t? What sucks even more is the vague line between being strong enough to endure the pain and being strong enough to cry out in pain. Which path do we take this time? Do we laugh it off as if it’s nothing or do we throw a fist and flip them off? Do we cry in silence in the middle of the night and wake up the next morning with a chest pain that just won’t go away? It’s just so confusing, isn’t it?

The answers vary and none of them is wrong, at least that’s what I think. But today, out of every possible option, you chose to admit the pain. You recognized its existence. Took a lot of courage, but you did it anyway. I am proud of you! Your friends are proud of you! In fact, the whole fucking world is proud of you!

But… did it make you feel like a loser, in the end? It probably did. However, don’t let it stop you, because honey, it’s okay to feel hurt. It’s completely normal to feel hurt. Feeling hurt is just a tiny part of the way that we’re wired in the first place: to feel. Happiness, sorrow, discourage, joy, shame, sadness, emptiness, hopefulness, each and every feeling there is to be felt, you and me are bound to feel.

So, now that you’ve admitted it, I hope you feel better. I hope that you would recover soon, from the pain. I hope that the wound would eventually heal, not leaving a scar. I hope that you grow stronger than you were, because today, you learned to embrace pain and made peace with it. I’m proud of you!

Life in a Human Shell is a series; it is a new chapter in my writing journey, in which I will be expressing the complexity of human emotions from my own perspective. There will be several parts to this series, enjoy!



Sigrid Ilisa Krüger

I am a lover of words, a fan of rhymes, an unnecessarily melancholic person. I simply love writing about the things that I see, hear, and feel.