Character Strength: Are You Gamma or Sigma?

5 min readJun 11, 2022


Recently, I have been listening to an audio about personality types. Over and over again.

Not that I haven't listened to or read about personality types before, but that was the first time I found myself confused.

If everything is clear with the alpha, beta, omega, or delta, it is not that simple with gamma and sigma personalities.

But first things first.

This is the first post out of few (you’ve thought many, didn’t you 😉) deep mental discussions about the alpha/sigma categorization.

If you are a behavioral psychologist or sociologist, welcome! It would be interesting to hear your take on this rather “animalistic” approach to human character traits and their position on the social and socio-sexual hierarchy respective of such. So, feel free to express objections down below.

But if you are like me, an amateur phycologist who’d rather believe in what works for you than the results of the most advanced personality test, bear with me.

That is not to say I do not believe in Meyers-Briggs Personality Test, for example. Being a sigma (though we will discuss it in a little bit), I tend to gravitate toward a logical explanation of why some people are different from the other despite unapologetically being of the “same personality type”.

With that said, let’s back to the original question that got me puzzled for a while — how do you know if you are sigma and not gamma?

The thing is that more people identify themselves as sigma than say, a decade ago, when the term “sigma male” was first described by Theodore Robert Beale, a rather unpopular American far-right activist, writer, musician, and publisher.

Whatever the cause, the writer’s criticism has only added popularity and speculation to the mysterious “sigma” type. Though initially viewed only in the context of men, today both males and females identify as “sigma person”.

Gamma personality traits

Without going into gender-related specifics, let’s briefly discuss what makes gamma a strong personality type.

Much like alpha and sigma, gamma people have equally strong characters.

  • They know what they want in life.
    Be it relationships, career, or health and wellness, a gamma person defines the goals and wastes no time to achieve them. She won’t easily give up on her dreams and plans.
  • Confident in their own skin.
    Whether it is appearance, habits, or fashion style, gammas exude confidence and won’t allow anyone to cast doubt on how they look or feel about something or someone.
  • They see challenges as adventures.
    Gammas are after any kind of adventure from sky diving to road trips to volunteering in the animal shelter. Everything that is new and challenging is seen as an adventure gamma wants to experience.
  • “People person” with self-priority.
    Gammas are one of the most socially wired people who like being in good company without being too needy or bossy. You would easily find gammas likeable, open-minded, and intelligent without them trying hard to gain a social approval. That said, a gamma person will not allow anyone to take it for granted and may easily keep a distance if being “nice” to everyone is not a priority for the day.
  • Listeners rather than speakers.
    Though gammas can easily be the “heart and soul” of the party, they are good listeners and are likely to spend most of their time listening to people they find intriguing.
  • They know how to leverage information to their advantage.
    Unlike alpha who establish their power through dominance, gammas do it gently through knowing people’s weaknesses. Sigmas are often blamed for their manipulation, while gammas are not less of manipulators themselves.
  • Organized and driven high achievers.
    Gammas understand the importance of hard work early in life. Because of their likeable and organized nature they are one of the most accomplished people among all personality types. Not that they are the most talented but better prepared and skilled for what they deem necessary in life.
  • Biggest maximalists in love and romance.
    Just like sigmas, gammas won’t settle for anyone less they deserve.

Sigma personality traits

Now off to the sigma, a personality type that is said to be the rarest and mysterious, yet popular in recent days.

  • All sigmas are mysterious and intimidating.
    Much like gammas are social creatures, sigmas are not. They often say less than expected and thus, appear mysterious and intimidating to people who don’t know them well.
  • They don’t care about what most people think.
    Apparently you have seen dozens of blog posts saying sigmas don’t care what others think of them. That is only partially true as those only their immediate circle know how much they defy their “lone wolf” nature with the loved ones. They surely do care of how closest to them perceive them, and try to make proper adjustments to make them happy.
  • Free-spirited and spiritual by nature.
    Worthy of their “lone wolf” association, sigmas never crave for power or sacrifice their freedom for superficial pleasures in life. They would rather not assume managerial positions if that puts any constraints on the way they think or act, or goes against their morals. They like to be left alone especially in difficult or controversial circumstances. That is how they are able to come up with their ideas or connect with someone on a deeper level.
  • They do not always break social norms.
    Unlike the common opinion that sigmas are eager to break stereotypes, sigmas do not choose to do it intentionally. Because they are self-sufficient and do not seek anyone’s attention, they go against the norms only when such norms are forcibly imposed and visibly contradict their beliefs or values.
  • Socially adept when necessary.
    Despite their free-spirited nature and the love to be alone, sigmas are far from being awkward in social settings. In fact, they would rather not get involved in social gatherings or public events, but once they do, they are effortlessly charming and never lose themselves or hesitate to express their opinions.
  • They remember everything - the good, the bad, and the ugly.
    This has no relation to better memory, and is not because of lust for power or manipulation. This comes as a result of self-observation. Sigmas tend to reflect on their feelings, and what leaves less impression than the good, bad, and the ugly?
  • Sigmas are honest and loyal.
    It is easier for sigma person to tell the truth than to lie, and as many admit they can be brutally honest. However, as sigmas learn to read others emotions, they usually spare their loved ones from explicit answers that may hurt them. Loyal to people important to them, sigmas will do their best to keep them happy while staying to true to themselves.
  • Resilient go-getters.
    Unlike gammas who tend to become bitter when things don’t go their way, sigma will take the bite, learn the lesson, and move on. They re the most organized and logical people and will always have alternative plans. Just in case. Oh, you didn’t know? That’s because a sigma does not share much of the plans. Sigmas believe that no matter how the plan alters they will get to the destination at some point, and they are ready to wait until they get there.

Now, what are your character traits?

Do you see yourself as a gamma or sigma type?

As is seen, both personality types posess admirable qualities and have strong characters. The only difference is how they prefer to live their lives.




Deep dive into the world of enigmatic sigma personality. Perceptions are based on self-reflection and observation rather than scientific research.