Cell Phone Antenna Amplifiers for Home & Cars

Signal Boosters
5 min readNov 3, 2015


Getting good signal on your cell phone is a hard.

Whether inside our home or on the road, we’ve all experienced spotty service. In a world where time is money and being connected is crucial for everyday life and convenience, no signal is no life.

While there are some best practices to get better cell signal, a majority of the times, you’ll need to be closer to the cell tower OR boost the incoming and outgoing signal from your cell phone antenna.

This is called a cell phone antenna amplifier (also known as cell phone signal booster). These devices take weak cellular signals and amplify it up to 32X resulting in more bars, better coverage, and reliable reception. If you’re constantly suffering from dropped calls, poor call quality, stuck texts, and slow internet. A cell phone antenna amplifier is your best bet.

They work with all 2G, 3G, and 4G frequencies on all phones and all carriers such as AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile, and others. Unlike microcells and femtocells, they don’t require landline broadband internet. They’re just one-time investments that guarantee more boost to your cell phone signal.

Basically, you’re getting back what you’re already paying for. You can either wait for your carrier to care or you can take action.

Below are our top 6 cell phone antenna amplifiers for homes and cars:

Cell Phone Antenna Amplifiers For Home

1–2 Room Coverage

weBoost Home 4G (470101)

Our review:

The cheapest antenna amplifier for home. Depending on the outside signal, you may get 1–2 room coverage under best conditions. But you’re not here because of best conditions, so it’s more realistic to say desktop to small room coverage. Most customers have told us they’re much closer to the inside antenna than anticipated for better signal. Great option for single office, home office (SOHO) and small areas like cabins and apartments. Find information and customer reviews about the weBoost Home 4G here.

Whole Home (up to 5,000 sq ft coverage)

weBoost Connect 4G (470103)

Our review:

This is a very popular signal repeater. You may get 5,000 sq ft under best conditions depending on your current outside signal. Our customer reviews and surveys put an average of 2,500–3,000 sq ft. Great option for most homes, small offices, farm houses, and buildings under 5,000 sq ft wide. If you’re getting some spotty reception, we’d recommend starting with this first. Read more info and customer reviews about the weBoost Connect 4G.

Large Home (up to 7,500 sq ft coverage)

weBoost Connect 4G-X (471104)

Our review:

This is absolutely the most powerful 3G & 4G antenna amplifier, extending coverage & service range up to 7,500 sq ft. Users with poor to mediocre outside signal can at least expect 5,500 sq ft of coverage although if you’re on the fringe of a dead zone, you could expect less. If you have extremely poor signal (remote area) or need wide coverage (multistory buildings), the weBoost Connect 4G-X is your new best friend. Read more details about the weBoost Connect 4G-X here.

Cell Phone Antenna Amplifiers For Car

For a single user

weBoost Drive 4G-S (470107)

Our review:

Very versatile car cell phone antenna amplifier. Cheap price. Can be placed on the dashboard. When paired with a bluetooth headset, it really shines. Smartphone has to be in the cradle for maximum signal boost. Might be a tight fit on wider smartphones. Read more details about the weBoost Drive 4G-S here.

For up to four devices

weBoost Drive 4G-M (470108)

Our review:

The most popular car signal booster. Slim outside antenna to pick up signal. Indiscreet inside antenna to broadcast signal. Majority of customers say they’re getting at least 2 to 3 more bars. A few did say they have to be closer to the inside antenna than anticipated to get more bars and amplified signal. Read more details about the weBoost 4G-M here.

For rural or extremely poor signal areas

weBoost Drive 4G-X (470510)

Our review:

You probably did a double-take. What’s the difference between the Drive 4G-X and Drive 4G-M other than a letter change? Three words: maximum output power. Yes, both models have a cap at +50 dB gain. However, the weBoost Drive 4G-X has more output power. In fact, it’s right at the edge legally allowed by the FCC. These results in more reach from the outside antenna to the cell tower. Perfect for extremely rural areas. Read more details about the weBoost 4G-X here.

Find more information about antenna amplifiers for home and cell phone antenna amplifiers for cars.

But for best results, email us today (sales@wilsonamplifiers.com) and explain your situation and a certified signal booster expert will figure out the best options to help you. Or call us 1–800–568–2723 and listen to our sweet Texan accent.

And if you’d like to read more information about cell phone antenna amplifiers check out our Definitive Guide.

Source: https://www.wilsonamplifiers.com/blog/cell-phone-antenna-amplifiers-for-home-cars/

