Latest Approach to Project Management across the Property Development Sector

Signature PM
2 min readMay 21, 2015


The task of delivering a construction project, irrespective of its size or volume, within the deadline and within its estimated costing is one of the most dreadful jobs. Every project across the building and construction sector comes with a stipulated cost estimation and deadline. However, at the ground level, myriads of unforeseen adversities crop up, almost from nowhere, every now and then. These adversities invariably pose as the biggest threat to complete a project successfully.

In a recent development, the aspect of property development & project management has undergone drastic changes. Project owners across the Australian construction industry are hiring efficient construction management firms these days. This category of businesses helps project owners to stick to stipulated deadlines, complete the entire task within estimated costing along with maintaining superior quality of work. This range of commercial establishments hires dedicated individuals to supervise various aspects of a construction project.

The impressive scope of responsibility that this fraternity of service providers offers includes

· Finding the right site at the right location to initiate construction projects

· Evaluating the aspect of town planning and other development issues

· Undertaking detailed feasibility studies, which include a comprehensive design and cost assessment

· Assisting in the process of negotiation to purchase or acquire the land

· Obtaining town planning permits

· Helping to resolve the engineering and architectural issues

· Obtaining quotations from various service providers

· Appointing a master builder on favourable contractual terms

· Checking all contractual arrangements and overseeing the construction right from start to finish and

· Conducting regular surveys and generating reports on work progress, etc.

Considering the dedication and the efficiency with which the fraternity of building and construction management services performs, an increasing number of project owners are hiring the exclusive service of this commercial sector. Professionals working in these service-providing organizations require keeping themselves thoroughly updated about any minute development occurring in a project.

As such, business for this category of organizations is flowing in from all directions. The sector is exhibiting impressive commercial prospect. A career in this sector seems to be undeniably prospective in the long run.



Signature PM

Signature Project Management is a leading construction project management firm in Australia, having its operational base in Drummoyne, NSW.