Tracing Firestore Queries: Unlock Insights with Google Cloud Audit Logs and Log Analytics

Sijohn Mathew
6 min readDec 5, 2023


Comprehensive Guide to Enhancing Firestore Debugging


As a developer, I’ve always been impressed by Firestore’s scalability and ease of use to quickstart with development. It’s a fantastic choice for building real-time web/mobile apps that handle massive amounts of data.

However, as applications grow and data volumes increase, it becomes increasingly challenging to monitor and debug Firestore queries and subsequently control the Pay-as-you-go model costs.

Necessity of Traceability in Firestore

While Firebase Dashboard provides some basic monitoring tools to understand the daily usage patterns like shown below, they don’t offer direct insights into the origin of queries, and the collections or documents with which the queries interact etc, which can make troubleshooting performance issues and optimizing data access patterns a daunting task.

This is where Google Cloud Audit Logs and Log Analytics come in handy to address few of these challenges.

Firebase Built-In Dashboard

Step 1: Enable Firestore Data Access Audit Logs

To start tracing Firestore queries, first enable Data Access Audit Logs in the Firebase console.

Navigate to IAM & Admin > Audit Logs. Find Access Approval & Firestore/Datastore API. Select Data Read & Data Write Log Types for both Service and Save.

This will ensure that all Firestore read and write operations are recorded in audit logs.

Step 2: Create a Log Analytics Bucket

Log Analytics brings capabilities to search, aggregate, or transform logs at query time directly into Cloud Logging. Log Analytics leverages the power of BigQuery to enable Cloud Logging users to perform Analytics on Log data.

Log Analytics is included in the standard Cloud Logging pricing. Queries submitted through the Log Analytics user interface do not incur any additional cost. Enabling analysis in BigQuery is optional and, if enabled, queries submitted against the BigQuery linked data set including Data Studio, Looker and via BigQuery API, incur the standard BigQuery query cost.

Navigate to Operations → Logging → Log Analytics

If are not already using Log Analytics, you get an option to “Create Log Bucket

Create the Log Analytics Bucket

Optionally you can Create a BigQuery dataset that link to this bucket. This will help if you need to analyse the logs in the BigQuery SQL Studio.

Set the Retention Period Eg: 5 days etc. Default is 30 Days

After clicking the “Create Bucket”, you will be prompted to create a Sink. Follow the screens.

Create logs routing Sink

The key here is the Inclusion filter. Remember to add below inclusion filter


Step 3: Analyze Logs Using Queries in Logs Explorer

With Firestore audit logs flowing into Log Analytics, you can now start analyzing them using queries in the Logs Explorer. The Logs Explorer provides a powerful SQL-like query language that allows you to filter and visualize log data.

Navigate to Log Analytics (

Explore the “proto_payload” attribute. This will give insights to many details on the Firestore DB usage.

Example Queries in the Logs Explorer

To find the most frequently used methods in Firestore API Calls

DISTINCT proto_payload.audit_log.method_name as method_name, count(*) as count
group by method_name
order by count desc
LIMIT 1000


Firestore: If a JSON Web Token (JWT) was used for third-party authentication, the thirdPartyPrincipal field includes the token's header and payload. For example, audit logs for requests authenticated with Firebase Authentication include that request's auth token.

Sample Query to list and extract details from the proto_payload

timestamp, resource.type, proto_payload,
proto_payload.audit_log.authentication_info.principal_email as auth_email,
proto_payload.audit_log.authentication_info.third_party_principal as auth_thrirdparty, as auth_thrirdparty_email,
proto_payload.audit_log.request.collectionId as collectionId,
proto_payload.audit_log.metadata.processingDuration as duration,
proto_payload.audit_log.request_metadata.caller_ip as callerip
WHERE proto_payload.audit_log.method_name IN
LIMIT 10000
Finding Collections that are accessed from different IP’s by user ids by the ListDocuments API
Finding Documents which are accessed by Write API users (categorised principal email & JWT token)

Extra Tips & Tricks

Analysing Log Data in BigQuery : If you are more comfortable with running queries in Bigquery SQL, you can do the same in the BigQuery console if you have enabled BigQuery in the Step-2

Log Router & Log Storage: To view/edit the above created Sink. Navigate to Log Router (

Similarly to view the bucket details or to enable/disable BigQuery Analysis. Visit the Log Storage Section (

Clean Up

Once you collect enough log data for analysing the Firestore Data Access pattern, may be for 2–3 days. Turn off the Audit Logs to prevent huge Logging cost.

Navigate to IAM & Admin > Audit Logs. Find Access Approval & Firestore/Datastore API. De-Select Data Read & Data Write Log Types for both Service and Save.


By analyzing Firestore audit logs using Log Analytics, you can gain valuable insights into your application’s data access patterns. Here are some key observations you can make:

  1. Identify frequently accessed collections and documents: Analyze the frequency of reads and writes to pinpoint frequently accessed collections and documents. This can help you optimize data access patterns and identify potential bottlenecks.
  2. Track app activity and user behavior: Monitor read and write operations initiated by specific user IDs. This can help you understand user behavior and identify any anomalies or suspicious activity.
  3. Debug query performance: Analyze query duration and throughput to identify slow-running queries or performance bottlenecks. This can help you optimize query structure and improve overall application performance.

About me

Sijohn Mathew

As a Senior Cloud Architect and Developer Advocate at Devoteam Sweden, I bring a wealth of experience and knowledge in cloud technologies and Google Cloud solutions. My passion lies in not only designing and architecting advanced cloud solutions but also in empowering and educating developers and organizations to harness the full potential of cloud technologies.

With a strong background in both technical and advocacy aspects of cloud computing, I am dedicated to helping teams navigate the often complex landscape of cloud architecture and implementation. My work involves not only developing innovative solutions but also ensuring that teams are equipped with the knowledge and tools they need for success.

If you’re seeking assistance in setting up Firestore query tracing or require advanced solutions in Google Cloud, don’t hesitate to reach out. I am always keen to help organizations overcome their technical challenges and achieve their cloud aspirations.

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Sijohn Mathew

“Architect @ Devoteam. Passionate about Google Cloud. Driven by sustainability, crafting tech for water, energy, recycling & reduce carbon footprints