Unveiling Polaris: An Open-Source Data Catalog for the Iceberg Age

Siladitya Ghosh
4 min readJun 16, 2024

In the ever-evolving data landscape, managing and discovering valuable assets becomes increasingly crucial. Here, data catalogs emerge as heroes, providing a central repository for information about your data. But what if that data catalog embraced open standards and interoperability? Enter Polaris Data Catalog, an innovative open-source solution built upon the foundation of Apache Iceberg. This article delves into the core functionalities of Polaris, exploring its advantages and how it empowers organizations to navigate their data with greater ease.

Demystifying Iceberg: The Foundation of Polaris

Apache Iceberg is a revolutionary open-source table format designed for large-scale analytics workloads. It offers several key advantages over traditional data formats:

  • Schema Evolution: Iceberg empowers you to seamlessly evolve your data schema over time, adding or removing columns without impacting existing queries.
  • Data Integrity: Iceberg ensures data consistency through ACID transactions, guaranteeing data integrity across writes and modifications.
  • Efficient Storage: It utilizes a columnar storage format, optimizing storage efficiency and query performance for large datasets.

Polaris leverages Iceberg’s strengths, building a data catalog specifically designed to manage and discover Iceberg tables. This close integration offers significant benefits.

Unveiling the Power of Polaris

  • Centralized Iceberg Table Management: Polaris acts as a central hub for all your Iceberg tables. You can register tables, view their metadata (schema, location, owner), and discover relevant information for efficient data exploration.
  • Open Source and Vendor-Neutral: Being open-source, Polaris eliminates vendor lock-in and associated licensing costs. It integrates seamlessly with various open-source data processing engines that support Iceberg, providing greater flexibility in your data ecosystem.
  • RESTful API for Seamless Integration: Polaris offers a RESTful API, allowing for easy integration with diverse data tools and workflows. This enables automated data discovery and management, streamlining your data pipelines.
  • Security and Governance: Polaris supports security features such as access control, ensuring authorized users have access to relevant data. This fosters data governance and compliance within your organization.

Beyond the Basics: Advanced Polaris Features

  • Lineage Tracking: Polaris can track the lineage of your data, revealing how data elements are transformed and flow throughout your data pipelines. This transparency aids in understanding data provenance and troubleshooting potential issues.
  • Metadata Exploration: Polaris allows you to explore detailed metadata associated with your Iceberg tables. This includes information like schema evolution history, data quality metrics, and ownership details, providing a comprehensive view of your data assets.
  • Integration with Visualization Tools: Polaris integrates with popular visualization tools like Grafana, enabling you to create informative dashboards that display metadata alongside data visualizations. This facilitates a holistic understanding of your data.

Why Choose Polaris?

  • Openness and Flexibility: The open-source nature of Polaris fosters a vibrant community, leading to ongoing development and innovation. Additionally, its vendor neutrality allows you to choose the data processing engines that best suit your needs.
  • Seamless Integration with Existing Tools: Polaris integrates effortlessly with popular open-source data tools and platforms, minimizing disruption to your existing data ecosystem.
  • Focus on the Future: By leveraging Iceberg, Polaris positions itself at the forefront of modern data management practices, future-proofing your data catalog and ensuring its ability to handle evolving data workloads.

Comparison with Other Data Catalog Solutions

While Polaris offers compelling functionality for managing Iceberg tables, it’s essential to consider other prominent data catalog solutions in the market. Here’s a comparison with two established options:

Collibra Data Catalog:

  • Focus: Comprehensive enterprise-grade data catalog solution with broad data source support (relational databases, data warehouses, cloud storage, etc.).
  • Strengths:
  • Extensive data source support
  • Robust data governance features
  • Advanced search and filtering capabilities
  • Collaboration tools and integrations
  • Mature solution with established user base and support
  • Weaknesses:
  • Proprietary software, requires licensing fees
  • Can be complex to set up and manage for large deployments
  • May be overkill for organizations solely focused on Iceberg tables


  • Focus: Collaborative data discovery platform with a focus on data sharing and community engagement.
  • Strengths:
  • Emphasis on data discovery and sharing
  • Collaborative features for data teams and communities
  • Built-in search engine for easy data exploration
  • Version control for data assets
  • Weaknesses:
  • Limited data governance features compared to Collibra
  • May not be ideal for highly sensitive data due to the focus on sharing
  • Pricing structure might not be suitable for all organizations

The ideal data catalog solution depends on your specific needs and priorities. Here’s a breakdown to help you decide:

  • For organizations heavily invested in Apache Iceberg: Polaris offers a compelling open-source option specifically designed for Iceberg tables. It provides core data catalog functionalities, seamless integration with open-source data tools, and a future-proof approach.
  • For organizations requiring a comprehensive data catalog with extensive data source support and robust governance features: Collibra might be a better fit. It offers a mature and feature-rich solution encompassing various data sources and advanced data governance capabilities, but comes with licensing costs and potential complexity.
  • For organizations prioritizing data discovery, collaboration, and a focus on sharing data externally: Data.world could be a suitable choice. However, consider the trade-off in data governance if dealing with highly sensitive information.

Additional Considerations:

  • Scalability: Consider your data volume and future growth. Choose a solution that can scale effectively with your data needs.
  • Ease of Use: Evaluate the solution’s user interface and how easily your team can adopt and utilize it.
  • Integration with Existing Tools: Ensure the data catalog integrates with your existing data ecosystem and workflows.


Polaris, Collibra, and Data.world each offer unique value propositions for data cataloging. By carefully assessing your needs and priorities, you can select the solution that best empowers your organization to discover, manage, and unlock the true potential of your data assets. Polaris shines for its focus on open standards, seamless integration with Iceberg, and future-proof approach, while Collibra and Data.world cater to broader data source needs and potentially different use cases.



Siladitya Ghosh

Passionate tech enthusiast exploring limitless possibilities in technology, embracing innovation's evolving landscape