Silence of the Mind
2 min readMar 29, 2018


Bienvenido and I have a question! Don’t we as humans tend to complicate the simplest of things? Just give this a thought- if we keep things simple- won’t we be able to do a lot more things and even better actually, in the time that we get?

Here is a hypothetical example (for which I ask for forgiveness) and a real life example of me having a conversation with a spanish speaking friend somewhere in the world.


Can you write down the number 4 in a numerical formula?

Simple Way:


Complex Way:

4*10-(18/5*10)=4 [Please keep in mind the BODMAS RULE]


So this friend of mine asked me as to what kind of tea I was having to which I really had no clue.[On a lighter note- we Indians are not behind in getting into that grove of complexity nowadays]

We may be doing it intentionally or unintentionally but the irony is if we don’t have such a thing in us then there wouldn’t be intimate conversations possible right? Just as this simple ‘idea' which is put down in a complex manner is also the same way how great writers play with the 'minds' of their readers maybe?



Silence of the Mind

'Words' are something with a predefined meaning. Can u really know a person simply by words in the bio they have to offer?