Let’s Tackle This With A Fresh Mind Tomorrow

Silent Story Teller
2 min readMar 17, 2024


Ever noticed how the office sometimes feels like a scene from a high-octane thriller? Keyboards clacking at breakneck speed, eyes glued to screens, and coffee cups performing a delicate balancing act as we navigate the tightrope of deadlines and expectations. It’s a circus of confidence, where everyone is a star performer in the grand spectacle of professionalism.

Enter the plot twist: nestled among these masters of multitasking, there’s always that one individual who seems to be on a different wavelength. While the rest of us morph into productivity machines, this person is the embodiment of chill, a serene island in a sea of chaos. They’re the hero we didn’t know we needed, offering a comic relief that’s as refreshing as it is enlightening.

This whimsical illustration captures just that — our protagonist, lounging with their feet up, amidst a sea of overachievers desperately trying to outdo each other in the confidence stakes. Their thought bubble? A simple yet revolutionary idea:

Will think differently tomorrow. Problem solved?

It’s a moment of comic genius, highlighting a truth we often forget: sometimes, the best way to solve a problem is to simply take a step back.

In the relentless pursuit of excellence, we’ve all but forgotten the art of taking it easy. This isn’t about slacking off; it’s about recognizing that true brilliance often comes from giving our brains the breathing room to wander, to question, and yes, to chill. It’s about understanding that confidence doesn’t always mean having all the answers right now but having the courage to say,

Let’s tackle this with a fresh mind tomorrow.



Silent Story Teller

I explore clarity and self-discovery through my narratives. Insta:silentstorytellerlove