How to create a mini-website for an event (without writing a single line of code) in under 5 minutes

Based on a true story.

2 min readNov 10, 2021

Have you ever needed to create a mini website for an upcoming event? Nothing too fancy, just a publicly available website to have all information related to the event, such as the event details, registration links, FAQ, registration form.

Mobile-friendly mini-website for a Crypto Event

Though there are countless ways to go, they almost all require web design (or possibly web development) skills. Some fine no-code, website development platforms offer a neat drag and drop way to build what you want. Still, while most of the available solutions are heavily priced, you’d still need an hour at least of putting everything together. That’s assuming you’ve got the website hosting part covered.

FlowFrames is a minimal yet powerful online service offering a simple solution: you can create standalone pages such as event pages, link groups, lists and forms with a few clicks. No drag and drop, no code, yet fast and beautiful.

All pages are fully responsive to show greatly on a mobile device, and they come in both a light and dark theme.

Not only can you create such pages on FlowFrames, but you’d get them instantly hosted and accessible via a shortened URL!

This is crucial for the time you want to share a link on your social media, and message length count is critical. So instead of having to parse a link to a shortening service such as, FlowFrames offers this as a build-in feature.

On the Premium plan, you can even select your own shortened text, add custom CSS or even integrate your favorite analytics platform (such as Google Tag Manager, Amplitude, MixPanel, and more coming soon).

Combining all above, you can literally get a mini site up and running in 5 minutes. That’s right, 5 minutes, with your event information, registration forms, links, content lists and make it available to share (or embed as iframe) to your website, community tools (Circle, Ensemble, Discord) or social media.

Don’t believe me? Check out the following video:




SiliconAcid is a boutique software house that designs, develops, launches mini startup projects. Small startups with big market fit