Why an Employee Onboarding Program is Useful

3 min readOct 24, 2018


The period of time after a new employee has been hired is critical for both the employee as well as the company. The new employee expects to contribute his or her knowledge to their new employer and benefit from that employer in return. But their tenure depends almost entirely on their initial experiences with the company. To increase that chances of a positive and long-running tenure, many organizations are using onboarding programs that enhance this experience and add value to new employees.

When many people hear the word “onboarding”, the phrase “new employee orientation” automatically comes to mind. In many cases, this orientation is a long process that involves a new hire digesting loads of complex information, filling out stacks of paperwork, signing up for employee benefits, receiving a name tag or badge, and getting a tour of the business building. Much of the information encountered by the employee is lost upon receipt, leading to future headaches when the employee is forced to recall the info for some reason or another in the future.

Employee onboarding, however, is much more than this. Onboarding includes integrating the employee to a new business culture and introducing them to the people, policies and practices that make up that culture.

The onboarding experience and orientation tools shape the future of a new hire. The sooner a new or transitioning employee feels connected with their organization, the sooner the employee devotes themselves in meeting the desired organizational objectives and contributing to business goals. When performed effectively, this process speeds up a new employee’s productivity and increases organizational stability.

With the addition of onboarding software, the onboarding process can become more convenient for a company and its new hires. HR onboarding software allows a company to see where everyone is in the organizational process.

This software includes onboarding and applicant tracking tools to make hiring and other employee transitions easier than ever. It helps the team learn, practice, and perform better work. It also streamlines task management and allows paperless filing for transitioning individuals from applicants to successful new hires.

This software provides the easiest way to manage the team’s workflow, streamlining recurring processes that transform the user experience in today’s digital world.

Benefits of an employee onboarding program:

· The companies that provide this types of program, as well as on-the-job training, give new-hires a life jacket to stay afloat. Onboarding programs teach employees the ins and outs of an organization’s culture and workflow. The more training a company provides, the easier it will be for employees to get up to the speed.

· Onboarding is a learning process and feedback is its motivator. If an employee is left to fend for themselves without knowing if they’re completing the right tasks or performing the job well, they can become disengaged. Onboarding programs can provide this necessary feedback.

· Managers and colleagues play a large part in motivating new hires to be successful. In fact, the first thing new hires notice about their jobs is the people. With an onboarding program, new hires can meet their team and get to know the people they’ll be working with.

A successful program that goes beyond a typical new employee orientation delivers a great experience to the new hires. It is essential for HR and management teams to implement an effective onboarding process, including regular check-ins with new employees to make sure that that their new hires are comfortable, happy, and engaged.

