Meet Mario, Co-Founder and CTO at Yodel

Silke English
Yodel Blog
Published in
4 min readMay 5, 2017


Name: Mario Uher
Twitter: @ream88
Current City of Operation: Linz, Austria
Hobbies: longboarding and beeing a foodie

What is your passion at Yodel?
Day to day technical problem solver. :-) I’m also the guy who is responsible for Yodel constantly evolving. I am building a scalable and fault tolerant infrastructure for our voice bot. Another work task of mine is everything design related. The User Interface (UI) of Yodel is important to me.
Oh, and by the way. I should mention that I am Co-Founder and the CTO of Yodel, so I am involved with all the administrational parts of owning a company as well

Let’s talk about Yodel. What do you love about the Yodel bot?
I like the vision of where Yodel will head in the near future. But for now I really like the backend that we just released. It is in house developed and that is why I am taking pride in it.
I also love how people react when they use Yodel for the very first time. It is a satisfying feeling when you see that people like the product that you built.

What do you like best about being part of the Yodel family?
I like being my own boss. This might sound a bit cocky but even before I always did what I wanted and my employers let me. Now I am officially allowed to do it my way.
Also the team is like a second family to me. With most of the team members I’ve been friends since years. It is great how everyone in our team is accepted the way they are — in and outside of Yodel.

Back to you Mario. What is your background? What have you done before you joined the Yodel Team?
A month after I graduated from Federal Secondary College of Engineering with the major in computing in Wiener Neustadt, I started to work for Mike and David (now my Co-Founders of Yodel).
I was 19 by the time and had to render my alternative service to the military. Mike and David let me stay employed during this time, with 8h a week. This is why from the time of my graduation until now — almost 10 years later — I was able to take on a lot of experience in web development. I was and still am curious about new trends and developments in the industry.

How did you figure out that, this is the kind of profession you want to work in?
When I was little I loved to play with Lego. I was doing this for hours each day and the most important thing to me was that the colors match. Do you know those kids who just build a house and don’t care what color bricks they use? Yeah. I was not one of them. Design has been always important to me and this is why I emphasize it in the products I build. Not only the outside hast to be nice, also the inside of it.

If someone who reads this wants to become a Co-Founder and/or a CTO, what advice would you give that person?
Just go ahead and do it! Even if you don’t feel like you have the experience or are hesitating at first, go ahead and put in your best work. If you have the opportunity go for it and take on the challenge!

Can you recommend any websites or tools, that you wouldn’t want to miss?
First of all, I would never switch from my Apple devices to something else. I am “iAddicted”. It just works for me!
About websites I’m on… I am a daily Twitter user. Product Hunt is also one of my go-to pages. I like to see what is happening out there!

Last but not least: What is the most random fact about you?
Poses in pink bunny costumes on 404 pages

Mario Uher, page 404 bunny

