Who Painted Trump A Fascist?

3 min readJul 17, 2024


JD Vance @JDVance1 on the former bird: “Today is not just some isolated incident. The central premise of the Biden campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs. That rhetoric led directly to President Trump’s attempted assassination.”
  • There is Trump dehumanizing immigrants by calling them vermin.
  • There is the master race notion that they could “poison their blood!”
  • There is the promise to deport 40 million undocumented immigrants and US citizens by birthright.
  • There is the promise to build concentration camps in the soaring heat of Texas and Arizona.
  • There is a demand for loyalty to the president, not the Constitution on every level, military included.
  • There is a plan to make it happen, and he signed a first-step EO (Schedule F) in his first term.
  • There is a close connection between politics, justice, and corporations acting in coordination.
  • There is legislation against collective bargaining and collective legal actions.
  • There is dangerous rhetoric delegitimizing a free press/media.
    There is a promise of retribution.
  • There is his intent to have a military parade in the streets of the US.
  • There were unmarked cars like in the “secret police” abducting people from the streets in the Summer 2020.
  • There were files on people of the opposition marked with a made-up “terrorist organization” called ANTIFA.
  • There is this total disregard for the freedom of movement, bodily autonomy, and safety of pregnant women.
  • There are women who lost their children to this day in Trump’s family separation policy.
  • There are women who lost their fertility in unlawfully coerced sterilization — an act of genocide according to UN guidelines.
  • There is the self-coup attempt. He is an adjudicated insurrectionist.

By all counts, Trump checks all the boxes of a 1933 fascist prepared to commit crimes against humanity.

It doesn’t take any rhetoric. Trump’s actions and words do all the work.

Like it or not, the theme of “What if Hitler had been…?” is hanging over Trump’s candidacy, and the more the Supreme Court is protecting Trump from prosecution and facing his ineligibility as a candidate who swore an oath of office, and incited an insurrection plus showed his support by inaction and promises of pardons the more nagging becomes the thought.

According to polls, Trump seems to have a chance to win, and this assassination attempt has improved his chances to some extent. Never-Trumpers will not change their mind, but voters on the fence are surely vulnerable to the newly projected image of a “fighter for America.”

All I see is the history of my country and how people turned against their friends and neighbors, watched them wear stars as outcasts, and had them deported and murdered with almost no resistance from within. Every day I’m reminded, of what fascism in Germany did: Auschwitz Memorial

If you count as an American who the Nat Cs will not deport into rushed concentration (cough) uh umm detention camps with crudely built barracks lacking creature comfort in soaring heat near the border, don’t think that you and your kids and grandkids will be spared pain and fremdscham regardless which way you voted. It’ll pale in the suffering of those who the MAGA Nat Cs will round up.

Trump is running on a crime against humanity, and those 40+% who seem to go along with this plan currently will leave a stain on US history just as uncomfortable as the genocide of the indigenous population and slavery.

Fight, fight like hell by registering voters and electing a democratic super majority so that white supremacist/property supremacist/Nat C becomes a powerless nuisance. And if a super-majority is not yet feasible, at least hold off with a majority for long enough until it is feasible.

Vote! Vote like hell.

