CoinFi 3Q 2018: News & Data

4 min readJul 13, 2018


#real_informational_advantage = when moon ?

What is CoinFi ?

CoinFi is a decentralized market intelligence platform, or the ‘Bloomberg of crypto’. Although there are many competitors, due to the fragmented nature of crypto, currently there isn’t any dominant platform for investors.

CoinFi’ high quality team is building a one-stop-shop for investors, by using both crowdsourcing and in-house expert vetting process (by ex-Wall Street analysts). It covers four major aspects

  • News & Data
  • Research & Analysis
  • Trading signals (ie abnormal detection of price/volume/volatility)
  • Trading algorithms for order execution (ie VWAP, sniper)

CoinFi 3Q 2018: News & Data

This article focuses on the upcoming features in 3Q 2018, which is News & Data. Main features include

  • News
  • Events Calendar
  • “Big” database
  • Advanced ICO metrics
  • Coin Screeners


Currently, there are a few major problems

  • news is everywhere, including various new agencies, Twitter, Reddit, etc
  • low quality (ie fake news)
  • not relevant (ie does not affect your portfolio)
  • real-time delivery
  • “hidden news” (ie founder announces news in Telegram only, resulting in the early birds take advantage before it hits major newswire hours/days later)

All of these result in a waste of time, energy and low market efficiency for investors. How does CoinFi solves the problems ?

  • Technology systems aggregate information, and then they are curated and filtered by in-house experts of ex-Wall Street analysts
  • Crowdsourcing: Community members uncover information, then it is vetted by both fact-checking system and in-house experts. These members are then rewarded with COFI tokens

With CoinFi newsfeed, investors can enjoy real-time, market-moving, high quality and relevant news……all in one place.

  • market-moving news that impact your portfolio or selected assets
  • filter news by category
  • news overlay on chart
  • notification (mobile push notification, email, SMS, etc)

Some sneak peak……

In addition, there are some “secret features” as mentioned in their blog

Progress on the newsfeed product is coming along. We’ve added several new features to the initial project scope that we think will be a huge value add to CoinFi platform users. We’re keeping these details internal right now, but you’ll be hearing about them shortly!

Events Calendar

“when mainnet ?”

Similar to the news, currently there is no quality, up to date, complete and easy-to-search events calendar. Most sites (ie CoinMarketCal) mainly use “bot” and no/limited crowdsourcing (due to no/limited incentivization). In the crypto world, events calendar require much more human work due to “scattered” information. The best solution is to crowdsource information from investors/followers/etc in particular projects and appropriately reward them.

Similar to CoinFi Newsfeed, CoinFi will use both technology and crowdsourcing to provide one of the best, if not the best, event calendar. Hopefully, there will be no more “when mainnet ?”

“Big” Database

“Behind the scene”, CoinFi uses a quality data pipeline to provide 5,000+ coins and ICO database.

The launch of our new data pipeline will give CoinFi the largest database of Coins & ICOs on the market.

Advanced Token Metrics

CoinFi’ experts dig in deep into blockchain to uncover blockchain data and then uses their technical and investment knowledge to come out with new/advanced token metrics, such as Token Retention Rate, TVEV ratio, and more !!

(Example for Token Retention Rate)

CoinFi Screeners

“I want to find all coins between 500M and 2B market cap”

“I want to find all oversold coins as indicated by RSI”

It allows investors to quickly filter and narrow down the universe of coins to identify investment opportunities. Some examples of parameters for filtering

  • technical indicator
  • common token metrics (ie market cap)
  • advanced token metrics by CoinFi
  • the parameters you want are missing ? CoinFi listens to the community for feedback and suggestion. Kindly join Telegram or Reddit to suggest your favourite parameters !


Major features for 3Q include news, events calendar, “big” database, advanced ICO metrics, and coin screeners.

Other features include custom watchlist, in-house research & analysis, CoinFi Podcast.

Most importantly, beyond this News & Data, investors can enjoy Research & Analysis, Trading signals, Trading algorithms……see roadmap.

The product/service you want is missing ? CoinFi listens to the community for feedback and suggestion. Kindly join Telegram or Reddit to suggest your favourite features !

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Hope you enjoyed this article. Read more about my CoinFi articles @

CoinFi 4Q 2018 (coming soon)

CoinFi 1Q 2019 (coming soon)


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