Shachar Haad
1 min readDec 21, 2016


it’s about how hitting on women makes them leave your organization, and often the tech industry in general

Good. Less unqualified “diversity quota.”

Of course, your story does not represent reality. It just describes your skewed ideology perspective of the world.

You are the problem women in tech (and other professions) face. You make women out to be so fragile, so meek, and without any shred of backbone. In your eyes, they are victims that cannot handle basic human interactions in the real world. You believe women will leave the profession that they are passionate about, due to an improper comment or behavior.

The reason people assume that women in tech are there because of their sex, rather than her credentials is because of you and your ilk. You force your ideology into the workforce and push the idea that women must have a “leg up,” otherwise they have no chance of succeeding on their own.

I, on the other hand, know that women who interested in tech and who have the right credential for the job can handle those basic human interactions and don’t need your coddling.

