Shachar Haad
1 min readNov 23, 2017


If you focused only on the data to show manipulation of public opinion, then it might have been interesting to go through the links, check the facts, and evaluate the methodology.

Of course, what you opted to do is replace one propaganda with another, to portray every contention of Net Neutrality as “fake news” and to cement your own perspective of it.

Beside that point, you equate public opinion with the validity of Net Neutrality. If I could cite enough people who believe that the human race should live in floating cities, will that be a good enough reason to construct such cities? Would it be worthwhile? If public opinion is what matters, then, of course, we should stop building cities on the ground and look to the skies.

Net Neutrality is not some benevolent force for good. It accomplishes nothing and aims to centralize power and bars new companies from succeeding. In essence, it does the opposite of what it aims to accomplish. It restricts the internet. It’s the antithesis of this social experiment.

The basis of the idea of Net Neutrality comes from socialism and implements the same thinking patterns. It’s the grotesque idea behind ‘equality’ that aims to make everyone poor and miserable. Everyone will be equal that way.

This is political and has nothing to do with what the people wish or need. It’s taking from the powerless and giving to the powerful.

